One word solution:
One word solution:
(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
Blame petrochemical/oil companies.
Plant based biodegrade plastic exist…
No, you caught me :)
That’s a very helpful clarification, thank you.
Still sounds shady though. The research should primarily, if not only, be done by college and academic researchers I’d say. The ones who probably should be doing the publishing as well… js. its not all roses like they make it appear imo sadly.
The world’s most intense match of Minesweeper you’ve ever seen!
I had COVID, RSV, and Type B flu all at once during Christmas. :(
Fine now.
“We don’t fully know or understand the ecosystems down there and how fragile they are yet… but yeah, go ahead and run an underwater vacuum over it, sure!”
Fuckin’ idiots
Meanwhile, She’ll just won Advertising awards for their GReEn EnErGy ad$.
Whata time to be alive lol
Dammit, a tripod is supposed to be the strongest.
But don’t worry everyone, the U.S. Justice Dept says it’s TOTALLY not genocide… 🙄
I mean he was sandwiched in a door in the least…
It’s such a catch-22
If you’re homeless and not receiving any housing assistance anywhere. Then, the warmer climate of Texas would be preferable for Winter. But we see how it’s going so…
Dammit we said there’s no war in Ba Sing Sae!!!
Which wasn’t this literally just debated as human trafficking violations with DeSantis and Florida (or maybe TX idek anymore)…
Bro what a lie
What birthday gifts ???
You’ve convinced me
Here’s a solution:
Ban straw sales/gun show loopholes, improve auditing/background checks, do gun buybacks above rate, and ban AR sales after X date. Bought before the date, you’re grandfathered in but can’t sell/gift the weapon.
Here’s a solution:
Ban straw sales/gun show loopholes, improve auditing/background checks, do gun buybacks above rate, and ban AR sales after X date. Bought before the date, you’re grandfathered in but can’t sell/gift the weapon.
“We are the cancer now”