lol, yeah, and sir kir holding the line vs the antisemitic leftist muslim terrorist supporting hoarde only makes labour more electable with the entire nation
he knows exactly what he’s doing
lol, yeah, and sir kir holding the line vs the antisemitic leftist muslim terrorist supporting hoarde only makes labour more electable with the entire nation
he knows exactly what he’s doing
one of the reasons so many people are fleeing south america
Russia ----> Iran -----> Hamas
Israel, the USA, and the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia were in the midst of high level talks for KSA to recognize Israel with the United States providing a weapons package to KSA, and then 4000 “Palestinians” stormed the Israeli border on October 7th, raped, burnt, beheaded and slaughtered close to 2000 Israeli citizens, causing the largest loss of Jewish life, in any single day, anywhere, since the end of the Holocaust
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once again, the “palestinians” invite their terrorists to set up shop for bomb making, in their refugee camps, in what should be a place of safety and refuge, much like they do in their schools, mosques, hospitals. and once again, the “palestitnians” and their terrorists hurt themselves in their confusion. Glad those IED’s they were making didn’t hurt any Israelis. ¯_(ツ)_/¯
7 years after 2016, and Trump coming down that fake golden escalator: ya think?
During 2016 election The New York Times published thousands of stories about Clinton email/Benghazi, not one on Trumps lifelong ties to NY/Russian mob. As if The New York Times wasn’t in a particularly knowledgeable position to report on 70 years of NYC construction & mob history
Gaza was given to Arabs for self rule and determination in 2005, all Jews left Gaza, even Jewish graveyards were dug up and moved, it was theirs to do with as they liked.
They’ve spent the last 18 years making into a terrorist Disneyland with a dozen Islamofascist terrorist organizations with the stated goal of killing Jews and destroying the state of Israel, they’ve fired hundreds of thousands of missiles into Israel indiscriminately targeting civilians, and launched countless cross borders attacks against Jewish civilians, including one that caused the largest loss of Jewish life in any single day, anywhere, since the Holocaust on October 7th.
They were given Gaza to live in freedom and self determination, they used it to kill Jews. They were warned. They chose to ignore the warnings.
These acts of terrorism were perpetrated by the entire Gazan community, they voted for Hamas, and allowed Hamas to rule their government for the last 17 years, Hamas and all the other Islamic terrorists in Gaza are not outsiders, they were born in Gaza of Gazans, they were raised in Gaza, they were educated in Gaza, they married and had children of their own in Gaza, their Parents, teachers, mosques, hospitals, are all in Gaza, from which they use to hid and store weapons to attack Jews, Hamas, PIJ and all the other Islamic terrorist in Gaza ARE Gaza, there has been no uprising in Gaza, there have only been attacks on Israel. This is what Gazans have supported and sacrificed for in every way they possibly could.
And now it’s here. I do hope they enjoy what they’ve worked generationaly to achieve.
There will be no ceasefire this time.
Am YIsrael Chai
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now tell em where whales come from
well, sure, but that’s not the point of this mans plan, he, like every other honorable ukrainian (there are a great deal that are not), wants to be free from russia, so in that, wants to make his country as necessary as possible, and the west needs weapons, so he’s figuring if ukraine becomes a major weapons manufacturer, the west will have continued reasons to support it now in it’s war against russian genocide
unless you’re trying to save hostages, you should probably never ram your car through anything near a nuclear reactor. this is just one mans opinion. it’s a free country.
Republicans stopped trying to hide their corruption the moment Donald Trump came down that fake golden escalator
ignorance and stupidity is no excuse to vote for bigotry, it may be the reason, but it’s no excuse at all
fuck. and. you.
The Catholic Church has actively ran the longest largest worldwide Pedophile ring in human history. For the past 1800 years the Catholic Church recruited, supported, obfuscated, defended, and excused pedophilia, which continues to this day. The fact the Catholic Church still allowed to operate, in any way shape or form, with youth of any kind, in any country, anywhere, means we’ve all purposefully lost the thread. Beside the Catholic Church being criminal, it’s only shown how very little adults care about the systematic raping of children. Like, at all. We simply do not care.