I was part of the great Digg migration and now the great Reddit migration…
I was part of the great Digg migration and now the great Reddit migration…
Whatever you do outside of work. That’s real life not whatever you do pay for your real life.
It’s fencing so I would make it a rapier which is 1d8+ Dex. But I agree about the crit. Better hope it’s not a rogue…
Also a very important point here was how much more non-political the supreme court was then. No one would ever consider Roe vs Wade could be overturned or even want it. There were generally agreed upon rules that the supreme courts and courts in general were populated with the most qualified people. Judge appointments were scrapped by gentleman agreements if the Senator from the state where the judge was from didn’t support the nomination. Same if any of the non-partisan law associations said the person wasn’t qualified enough. So most judges were well qualified and if they were more conservative or liberal wasn’t as big of a consideration. There were plenty of “conservative” judges appointed judges nominated by democratic and vice versa. This all change with Mitch McConnell blocking Merrick Garland appointment to the supreme court who was suggested as the more moderate alternative. This lead to the hyper partisanship of the supreme court we see now with the trump appointees. This is why trust in the organization has eroded so fast. Since it all happened so fast and judges are acting much more politically instead of following law and precedent
South St. Paul also has an Air Force base in it. Which is also on that list
Makes sense. I noticed it was bad because it was obviously election related and completely off topic for the subreddit. So it went past the high quality into the simple and bad
I remember when I first started noticing bots bad was in 2016. They have been there for a while now. It’s advertisers turn now though. It’s at the end stages
States should not control immigration policy full stop. It’s in the constitution explicitly.
Gamegate was 10 years ago. It was terrible then and really ruined the Internet. Assholes learned of they were big enough assholes they could get what they wanted. Social media companies learned that assholes get more attention and get them more money. Traditional media learned that reporting on the social media assholes got them more attention. Now it’s all assholes all the time everywhere.
How quick after IPO do they ban porn and how quick after that does the site fail?
Its quite common for some straight men to only be attracted to penises. All men generally have an dying love for their own penis so it make sense that it spreads to some other penises. But here is the things about labels you can really pick whatever you want. You can call yourself bi or straight or whatever label you want.
There are a few assumptions in scientific pursuits and the Cosmological Principle is a big one
I always recommend kbin to every question. 100% no complaints so far
We always try to do that. We had really bad experience renting a condo from a resort at the wedding location from some rich lawyer who used it as vacation home / money making scheme when we had to reschedule due to covid. He gave us nothing even though the governor closed all the beaches and urged no one to come. I bet that’s so common.
Also it’s packed with chains but the best food we had was from two different small food trucks. Overall it’s a great place when interacting with people who live there
I went to Hawaii for a vacation in 2021 and I don’t think I will go back. It’s a beautiful place full of beautiful people and is frankly magnetic. However, I felt so bad being there after learning more about it’s history and after all the tourists coming during COVID even though the governor said to not come. White lotus really didn’t help either. A beautiful place that deserve to have people who live there direct what happens to it.
I’ve really been seeing this for programming questions and it’s infuriating. It’s dozens of different sites that are either copying the one stack overflow forum or an endless repeat of the same question. It wasn’t even 2 years ago that you could find the answer easily. Now it’s all crap and so hard to find the official documentation.
It’s worthwhile if it’s on sale. Just got to find the right time. Hard to plan around it since you never know when it’s cheap enough.
Roasts I might start doing more than steaks. Since steaks never go on sale near me
I have stopped eating as much beef mostly for economical reasons. I used to eat steak since I loved it and its easy to cook. However, its now way too expensive to buy casually. I love a good steak at a restaurant so that is mostly the only time I eat it now. That it is bad for my health and the environment are mostly secondary.
I saw that. Hopefully that is a true energy return and not some marketing 80%. Cool if true
I liked stumbleupon. It feels like they are less website to stumbleupon anymore