I post a picture using the embed picture feature and it doesn’t work right. A while back I posted a comment breaking down some math about some kind of employment/cost of living/rent issue and my math was all wrong and I couldn’t make my brain work enough to fix it. Etc. Just frustrating and embarrassing.
Man I give up trying to comment here, everything I do on the fediverse ends up messed up somehow. Despite my family’s insistence to the contrary I may actually be stupid.
deleted by creator
Sounds good to me and I’m a couple letters behind Gen Z. Either the scenes don’t do anything for me, in which case they’re boring, or they do something for me, in which case…what do I do when it’s over? Do I pause and go take care of it, or sit there all hot and bothered while somebody talks about business stuff or getting the bad guys or whatever? Either way it’s annoying. And I’m no prude, it’s just, if I want to see sex I’ll just watch porn. But I’m not watching porn, I’m trying to watch a story. IDK. It’s like if the mall decided every store needed a stripper pole.
Unsurprising. $78k/yr comes out to $2194/mo take home pay per Smartasset’s calculator. Average rent is well over $1k/mo with no signs of going down any time soon. Landlords frequently demand potential renters have an income of 3x the rent. Gotta live somewhere.
Apparently I’m stupid but I’m too tired to fix it rn so I will just leave my shame up here for all to see. My point is being alive is expensive and bad math or no I’m still not surprised to see this.
Edit again because I’m also too stupid to do a strikethrough correctly even with a formatting bar right there. FML and F this phone too, I’m going to bed
If you’re not home and the neighbor notices something suspicious happening at your house, they could call the cops/call you, or they could just pretend they didn’t see it because FU. If your mailbox is on the other side of the street in someone else’s lawn, they could weed whack carefully around it or they could “”“accidentally”“” damage the post every time. They could pick up their dog’s shit or they could send their dog over to use your yard. While all of those negative outcomes could be solved with security cameras and at worst a trip to small claims court, it’s still a hassle. Just depends on what’s worth more to you.
Heck I want to know where Alaska and Hawaii went.
“Well if I were doing perfect I wouldn’t be here”
I’ve never used it before but so far it seems slower than just typing with my fingers. Too used to using two hands to type I guess.
Because with porn you’re watching it, alone or with a partner, for a specific purpose. When I’m watching a regular movie I don’t want to sit next to my brother or my mom and watch that. Even if I’m alone I don’t want to get all hot and bothered and then it’s like, do I pause for a minute and go deal with it or sit and watch a car chase like this? Just imply it and cut to the next morning or something. Only time I’m cool with it is watching with the spouse.
Tell me about it. My brain shows up at 3am with my life’s blooper reel full box set on Blu-ray and a bucket of popcorn but is nowhere to be seen when it’s time to remember where my other pants went.
Somewhat. I still have some of the visual images in my head, but the memory of how I felt at those times is gone or very faded. Often the memories feel, not exactly dreamlike, but like I am looking at a diorama or one of those paperweights that has a scene encased in resin, forever visible but inaccessible.
I’ve started to forget my dad’s voice a bit and it scares me. I don’t want to forget anything about him ever.
My therapist said that you don’t really remember things, you just remember the last time you remembered them. Like a copy of a copy. And that’s how memories get distorted over time. So it’s like, am I ruining those memories by remembering them, like a tape you play over and over til you wear it out? Or should I play the tapes anyway in case I hit my head or have a stroke or something and lose a bunch of them?
swimming upstream
I know you didn’t mean it this way, but the context made me chuckle.
Also I commiserate with you OP, as I am part of a fashion community whose name we can’t really change due to circumstances, but which attracts certain kinds of unwelcome attention online.
Edit: gahh I meant to reply to socialjusticewizard’s comment
I do for certain local mom and pop places because then they remember me and give me extra fries/rice/extras and orders seem to go a little faster. With a chain, nah.