That’s because of active directory. It makes managing hundreds of users, across as many devices, in a centralized manner, easier. You make a user for the person with the intended access scheme, hand them a random laptop imaged from a master system OS, and off they go with access to all the software and tools tied to their user login. There’s no similar alternative with a robust support service for Linux clients. If there were, then changing a culture to Linux clients wouldn’t have so much friction.
It’s the other way around. Low places are higher income in favelas and barrios because they’re closer to public transportation, formal services, commerces and salaried jobs. The higher you are in a favela the poorer you are and the worse are the living conditions. For the lack of vehicular access and the chaotic nature of improvised construction means government institutions have a harder time reaching people there. So there’s no service support, fewer commerce, lack of legal protection and you’re so far away from the formal city that job opportunities are meager.