Movies are not real life!
What is the weird cable on the left?
We’re sick and tired of political opinions masquerading as questions - take it to a political audience - please leave us. This is not the place.
This is the matrix incarnate.
We managed to overpopulate this ball of dirt almost 2 times sustainability. Now the machine is paying to increase over population.
Watching the dick van dyke show on b&w tv and begging mom to tell me why my dad was on the show (dvdyke doppelgänger) and they why were keeping it a secret from me - Dad was a road salesman and never home when the show was on…
Yea - I’m old…
Absolute Lie - uid fits…
Hookahs obviously need a waiting period -
One has to back up, either when leaving or arriving - some choose to get it out of the way when they park, others when they leave -
To each their own - I like to back in parking & easy quick exit
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