This is true.
Cows need to be pregnant to produce milk, so dairy cows are artificially inseminated throughout most of their lives.
This is true.
Cows need to be pregnant to produce milk, so dairy cows are artificially inseminated throughout most of their lives.
Lol. That’s how it goes.
Cows need to be pregnant to produce milk so dairy cows are artificially inseminated throughout most of their lives.
They don’t tell you this in school.
World news, huh?
This is by design.
Price people out of the gene pool.
Translation: “We lied to you all about government ownership of businesses being a bad thing. We’re going to keep lying and hope you’re too stupid to realize it, dipshit.”
“Struggling to keep its rich people as rich as possible while exploiting everyone else.”
It’s a cultural problem.
Most people think those who have more deserve more and those who have less deserve less, so that’s what happens.
We go in the direction we’re looking. We won’t change course until we start looking in a different direction.
It’ll get worse before it gets better. Thank all the useful idiots.
Glad other people are finally starting to realize it.
Who cares about them?
Really? Didn’t he impregnate Grimes twice?
In addition to having kids with like 3 other women?
Say what you want about Musk, but there’s no denying he’s having a way easier time getting laid and spreading his genes than most of you.
There’s just something about money that even makes slimeballs like Musk irresistible to the opposite sex.
I totally agree, but funneling taxpayer money to space exploration makes rich people richer faster than, say, using that money to build homes or feed the hungry.
This means useful idiots are always going to support it over any alternatives.
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Because anyone who isn’t loyal to their tribe is an immediate enemy.
Don’t worry. They won’t.
We’ll fight them as long as they’re there.
“Only we’re allowed to kill civilians indiscriminately.” -zionists and their supporters
Good. Fight back against those who keep you down.
This is completely false. Most dairy cows are artificially inseminated.