Using Liftoff, I get hyperlinks for both of those, though they don’t lead anywhere.
Bees? Natures little snacks?
Using Liftoff, I get hyperlinks for both of those, though they don’t lead anywhere.
Consider joining a Joe Rogan community or similar. As a lurker, you can learn a lot about whats going on just by listening to how other people react.
I tried looking up some alternatives. You know, searching the web. I even checked online, but I couldn’t find anything.
I guarantee they put zero thought into how this would actually work, and have just been making stuff up as they go.
I just recently started using Firefox on a rather old samsung, have never had any issues like this.
You can’t complain about other people impairing user experience when you’ve had like 3 different instances of tanking the servers all by yourself.
With current technology, a supercomputer capable of that would be absolutely gigantic, immobile, and have an insane power draw. How’re you going to raise a building like a human?
Currently, a mouse brain is about the limit of what we can do.