I bought a Grandstream GWN7660 last year and it seems pretty good, it replaced a ubiquity WAP that I still have legacy devices connected to.
I bought a Grandstream GWN7660 last year and it seems pretty good, it replaced a ubiquity WAP that I still have legacy devices connected to.
Big oof
Honestly, my money is on a divorce filing about 10 seconds after Trump loses, if he loses.
Maybe but she’s in on the Republican grift too. She clerked for both Kavanaugh (pre supreme court) and for John Roberts.
I work in retail, but my homelab isn’t super extensive just a nas, a Plex server, and a couple proxmox boxes.
Closet I’ve ever come to being in IT was back when I was still in college and took some a networking class and some web development classes but that was many moons ago.
This the route I went too, a couple years ago I found a tiny form factor Lenovo with a 6500t on eBay for a little under 70 bucks shipped and then I found a tiny Dell with a 9500t on my local Craigslist for 100 bucks.
They’re good little boxes.
Every wireless mouse I’ve ever owned starts double clicking after like a year and a half or two years. The only exception is the Razer Basilisk I bought about 3 years ago, that ones still ok so far
Thanks for believing in me child.
Piracy has never been theft, it has always been and still remain copyright infringement. That being said go ahead and pirate, I’m not your dad.
I didn’t even know jellyfin had hw transcode till this post but I’m with this guy, Intel’s qsv is great. I have my plex server running bare metal on an gen 2 HP chromebox. It’s dual core but hw transcode with Intel QSV will do like 20+ 1080p streams.
I’m sure there are a bunch of these quiverful dumbasses that are poor as fuck.
I just put “bush did 9/11” and “Wendy’s 5 for 5 dollar meal is back” into a gematria calculator and they equal each other. I don’t know what this means but it’s fucking HUGE!!
Last I heard they were doing pretty well, I think the government is supposed to be in power for around 1,000 years.
I’m cross dominant but consider myself left handed mainly because I do the fine motor stuff writing, eating, etc. with my left hand. Out side of scissors I don’t think I’ve ever felt forced to use a hand that didn’t feel comfortable, stupid scissors.
You could be like the Noble 14, last Halo 2 players, except I bet when they take the servers down for this game no one will stay connected.
It’s “A Time to Kill” based on the novel by the same name from John Grisham.
No no, we don’t talk about those only the wars we won like WW1, WW2, and the War of Northern Aggression. The last one we want to focus on the states rights, beat that point home.
The real fucked up part of this is Ohioans just voted to codify abortion and reproductive rights into the state constitution. This is just some assholes trying to find ways around that amendment.
That’s lame, but Strange New Worlds is really good.
Also I’ve I’m not mistaken UK lore dictates that the king/queen derives their power directly from God or something.
My NAS is on an embedded Xeon that at this point is close to a decade old and one of my proxmox boxes is on an Intel 6500t. I’m not really running anything on any really low spec machines anymore, though earlyish in the pandemic I was running boinc with the Open Pandemics project on 4 raspberry pis.