How old are you?
How old are you?
That really is one hell of a hot take 😀
I for one really love the zoomed out preview on the right that has become popular in recent years.
Really hard to do in a terminal. If you have errors you can see very fast where they are located/clustered in the file and can already tell just by the shape of the program where it is.
Another example: GUI color picker directly in my editor as a tooltip above color values in css/html templates.
Another example: inline preview of latex or Template fragments.
But it’s a gigantic waste of energy and time when you could just download a 2mb package and be done with it.
They sure have Nazis in Ukraine as has every country.
But saying that the fascists in Italy have anything to do with Ukraine needs very good evidence to support such a wild claim.
For a handful of servers, try zabbix. Every distribution has a packaged zabbix agent. It has everything: web ui, a way to Auto discover things with a bit of setup, nice graphs, alerting, LDAP User Management if you need it, a way to define per person/group alerting/notification schedules. And the community is big enough that many common services (fail2ban/postfix/MySQL/etc.) have premade custom monitoring scripts. Adding your own metrics is also very easy.
That’s in no way a rich people thing. Polluting less often means that stuff people are used to will cost more or will be less available.
The greens in Germany suggested that maybe meat is too cheap and people should eat it less and maybe also don’t drive your car so much. And a good chunk of the population lost their fucking mind at the audacity to suggest doing something in two sectors that massively contribute to climate change.
The reality is that effective action against climate change is hugely unpopular and politicians realize that it’s often political suicide because people hate change and there is no way to combat climate change without lifestyle changes for every single citizen.
I don’t know where you take that from but the super rich are a tiny tiny fraction of the problem. They don’t buy containerships full of stuff, they don’t eat millions of animals per day, they don’t constitute the vast majority of travel.
Yes, on a per person basis they have an extremely large footprint, but it’s still a drop in the bucket compared to the industries that feed the consumption of the average citizens.
I want it to continuously adapt to my ever changing interests. That’s one of the major features for me.
Because I get a non-toxic personalized YouTube feed that does not suck…
Tell that to our beautiful German Telekom who’ll sell you 1000down/200up FTTH for ridiculous 80€/month.
For personal use, I don’t bother with databases on k8s. They are waaay easier to manage if you just let your host distribution run it as a regular service and Upgrade it through that
Having issues with it as well. Mostly when downloading things that need me to be logged in somewhere