Mean leftist who believes in magic genders
Look, the crystal maze is absolutely essential to run Woodchips without a waterslide. You can complain all you want, but unless you want to run back to Microsoft for your woodchips deployment, this is the way. I’m not saying Gumbies is perfect, here, just that it’s the only viable unix implementation. If you want come up with your own sandcubing solution for Flurble, be my guest.
On Blahaj reports are the only way to express disapproval of content. So you could for example spread fascist dogwhistles about not liking politics, and if Ada doesn’t understand the dogwhistle then your content doesn’t get removed. That gives cryptofascists free reign
I’m glad the game about putting down a Jewish rebellion for equal rights was bad.
The Apple wall isn’t in line with the other walls. It has the perspective of one of those paintings that got Adolf kicked out of art school
The answer is pluralkit.
Cops can’t solve bad driving. Fear of punishment is not an effective deterrent. We know this because we’ve done the psychology and looked at the numbers. Unsafe driving is an infrastructure problem. In my country, people leave enough space between cars. It’s not because we have more police than yours, it’s because we have safer designed roads. Every traffic accident that causes a death is an infrastructure failure.
I shall amend my comment to say clarification instead of correction.
AGI is the stuff you see on Star Trek.
Clarification. AGI describes Data, Moriarty, and Peanut Hamper, but it doesn’t describe the Enterprise’s computer. Which has speech recognition, but is less intelligent than an LLM.
Yeah, bruh is using the Halo definition of AI. Probably played too many video games instead of actually paying attention to the history of computing.
I for one think LLMs are more intelligent than an ant. The writer of this piece is using the movie definition of AI instead of the real world definition of AI.
I have 1000 hours in Warframe and have spent a grand total of 5 dollars on it. I never felt like I needed to spend any more. Sure, it’s annoying getting a platinum discount as a daily reward instead of something useful like tellurium, but that’s the fullest extent of the advertising. The market has a button to hide all items that require platinum to buy. And Darvo’s Deals isn’t even relevant anymore.
I’m sure Warframe does have whales, but that’s in the same way weed has addicts. Some people are going to form an addiction no matter what. I’d rather those people be playing warframe than something else, because my gut says there’s a better chance of recovery in a less predatory game. My thinking is those kinds of people develop an addiction because something is wrong in their life circumstances. They’re already looking for something to get sucked into, doesn’t matter what it is. I never felt any kind of pull from Warframe, and while I do have a non addictive personality, I also felt much less annoyed at the game than at other freemium games.
When you get to The New War you’ll meet an awesome Grineer character who gives us a similar look into Grineer leftism
In all seriousness the reason Warframe moved to the Fediverse is that it’s a leftist game. The core gameplay loop is slaughtering capitalists, monarchists, and imperialists using an array of sci-fi and ninja weapons. The player character in Warframe is someone who’s been burned by the control of an empire, and now manages their own tech. It’s the same situation as with the Star Trek community moving here because Star Trek is woke. /pos
Elden Ring isn’t that popular. You should be looking at AAA mass market masterpieces like !
Fun fact: Cortana is named after a French sword
How else you gonna get free pony porn?
Shit clone
Lego Island 2 was great