If anybody here ever does make such an app: Please, please release it anonymously, because the people you’re saving it from will be angry.
If anybody here ever does make such an app: Please, please release it anonymously, because the people you’re saving it from will be angry.
Even if I was innocent, I’d flee any country to which my own won’t extradite. Would you rather demonstrate your innocence or avoid the whole thing?
Nope, and now I figure it might as well just wait a little.
Waiting for Skywind to come out
There are actually very high barriers to entry in the insurance and health care markets (which in the USA are tightly intertwined).
The health insurance industry doesn’t want there to be fair alternatives because then everyone would buy that instead. This is an oligarchy, not a democracy.
because you like it
we choose when it’s legitimate
I might be inferring the wrong thing here, but do you believe that human rights exist?
Where’s Mark Cuban when we need him
It’s not like my Conway’s Game of Life creatures can ever escape their petri dish. I’m so zoomed out that I wouldn’t even notice if they were intelligent.
We would need his defense team or family to confirm that the receiving address is correct.
I wonder how much of this is because of crypto. Option to get paid appears, and donations go down.
It’s not a single man. They have the Supreme Court, the Senate, possibly the House, and your local cops after hours. Vance is praying for his chance to rule.
The loss of our infrastructure before we’ve built up decentralized alternatives will cause senseless deaths.
it wasn’t close
police would shoot us
How can hope be both irrational and valid?
How out of touch do you have to be to think the economy is good?
Liberals measure the health of the economy by Gross Domestic Product (which has been going up), and Consumer Price Index (which includes big-screen TVs). You’d have to dismantle everything they paid to learn in college econ.
“It’s easier to fool people than to convince them that they have been fooled.”
changing my user agent to Brave so everyone thinks I lost my money to scams
It satisfies my social media addiction, but will be years before it shows up on many search results.
Big “people who disagree” energy
If it’s bad as you say, then it’s already too late for voting.
Then why didn’t they, back when Trump wore a blue tie?
Both project managers at my company quit at the same time, so they’re spreading the workload to engineering instead of rehiring.
It has not been going well. Turns out the PMs were doing actual work.