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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: January 16th, 2024


  • the question then becomes how much weight are you adding/energy are you consuming by having to carry the weight. I honestly don’t know and considering how heavy batteries are it is likely not that significant, but if you are only getting a few % charge a day then anything eating into that is going to hurt.

    I still see some merit in a more utility style vehicle where you do expect to take it out camping, but for a daily commuter I think most people would prefer the sunroof to the trickle charging.

    Also as an apartment dweller… I just wish they’d make normal wall outlets more available. Not everyone needs a proper fast charger but only having a few inconveniently located ones to fight for also sucks. But if more spots could just plug in and slow charge that would be a huge improvement

  • not OP but I’d love something like this for a few reasons.

    Sometimes I’m debugging really complicated things and it gets hard to keep track of the info I’ve captured and what I’ve learned, and sometimes you want to recheck some earlier assumption or you learn something new and want to look through older data captured to see if it aligns with newer understandings

    Or it’s a long standing thing and need to step away and come back and refresh your memory of the current understanding. And especially when others might also be working on the same problem and you want to collaborate better.

    Though I am SRE and thinking of debugging issues in overall systems spanning multiple codebases, hosts, and networks. not just specific bugs in a single codebase like I think OP is doing. So I’m also curious if any tool would actually fit both use cases or if being perfect for one would make it not useful for the other.