I hate that he’s trying to pass it off as some heroic Robin Hood gesture. If anyone actually follows his advice they’re likely to get arrested.
The only thing you have to fear.
I hate that he’s trying to pass it off as some heroic Robin Hood gesture. If anyone actually follows his advice they’re likely to get arrested.
Haaning told Danish radio:
The work is that I have taken their money. It’s not theft. It is breach of contract, and breach of contract is part of the work. I encourage other people who have working conditions as miserable as mine to do the same. If they’re sitting in some shitty job and not getting paid, and are actually being asked to pay money to go to work, then grab what you can and beat it.
Subs are fluctuating, but you’re exaggerating to describe it as “bleeding”. They’re at 164 million and were even outperforming Netflix at the end of 2022.
As CEO, Iger is awarded approximately $27 million in annual target compensation.
Now that’s a crazy demand! Did you know he replaced their last CEO who left in 2022 with an exit package worth $23.4 million? Even when they’re gone, Disney’s CEOs are raking in Disney cash. Maybe if Iger made 1 million max in annual target compensation, his writers could afford a roof over their heads?
I specifically stated that I’m not casting judgement on him.
a good and charitable man
Was he though? I don’t know anything about him, nor do I have strong feelings about his letter because I know there’s a chance he was threatened by the most dangerous and litigious cult on the planet to write it.
I’m sure if he’s truly good and charitable as you say, that he will be free to continue those habits without bringing unnecessary controversy to an anti-sex abuse organization of all things. His letter directly opposes what such an organization stands for.
Just to add to your point: in PTSD your brain will prioritize certain synapses over others that may help you survive through the trauma, but will result in a continued focus on the trauma after the event has passed. So those ~500 synapses in depressive PTSD aren’t just lower than a healthy brain, but they’re also the wrong synapses for your current situation. Psychedelics can help you develop new synapses that are more relevant to your current life. As someone who experienced this therapy, it’s amazing how quickly it can happen, too. It’s a total game changer and should be available to anyone who wants to try it.
You’d “flip the fuck out” if you were born in a bag in a laboratory, but wouldn’t flip the fuck out if you were born out of your mom’s genetically modified bag? Why force lifelong gene alteration on 50% of the population because you don’t feel good about where you might have spent 9 months you’d never remember?
The 14 year old ate the chip at school, there’s no mention of who gave the chip to him. It’s a school administration problem, but hardly a parenting issue unless the mother bought the chip for her son and sent it to school with him. The mother came to pick the boy up right away when he complained of pain, rushed him to the hospital when he lost consciousness, and she is now speaking out to warn others about the dangers of this stupid challenge.
I do actually. Please tell.
The praise he received after 9/11 was how I first heard his name. Shining example of “You either die a hero, or live long enough to see yourself become the villain.”
Exactly. And since a medical doctor is the one who is qualified to determine what would risk a pregnant woman’s life, none of us could possibly have a say in the matter because we’re not qualified to do so.
I’m very happy to be able to find some common ground with a conservative on this fine day. I also do not listen to Justin Bieber songs. Let’s keep searching for more common ground and unite our feuding peoples. We can do this!
medical necessity
Ah, so then you understand that by definition, only medical doctors are able to decide what is and isn’t a medical necessity, and therefore how unreasonable it is that anyone else besides doctor and patient would think they should have a say in the matter? Great, glad we got that settled!
Please clarify.
Lemmygrad is wrong about a lot of things, but they’re not wrong about this. It’s important to learn from the past so it does not keep repeating.
The concept of the “white race” was developed in the 17th century with the Atlantic slave trade. It is indeed a product of British colonization. The concept literally didn’t exist before this. Before the 17th century, people who we would now think of as white identified mainly by nationality and religion.
The concept of whiteness as being a distinct and unifying factor among people from a variety of countries led to the field of scientific racism, which went on for around 2 centuries. This is where terms like “Caucasian” came from. Scientific racism was used as a reason by the Nazis to murder millions of Jews. Now in the 21st century, we know it is pseudoscience even though its terminology lingers.
This doesn’t mean that people were blind to skin color before 17th century colonialism, as you pointed out with the Indian caste system that dates back as far as 3300BC. You can see in ancient Egyptian art a wide array of colored skin as well. From Egyptian literature, there aren’t signs they really obsessed over it the way society does now.
I think we can all agree that things didn’t go too well for non-white people after the invention of whiteness. The concept was founded in oppression and helps perpetuate oppression.
“My heart and my best intentions tell me that’s true, but the facts and evidence tell me it is not.”
Trump is a full blown cult of personality at this point, no one else will do. Maybe that’s a good thing since he doesn’t seem to have much time left.
Are you really pretending there’s no difference between assisting a country in defending itself from an aggressor, and starting your own war as the aggressor?
True, but with how secretive North Korea is, it’s difficult to get accurate cultural news directly from the source.
How did he get approval to do experimental surgery on primates for this?