That’s a false equivalence. Yes the USD could be worth $0 but the chances of that are infinitesimal in comparison to the chance that crypto will be worthless.
You have no evidence on which to base an assertion of bitcoin’s most likely future value. Past performance is not an indication of future performance.
The only surety is that crypto will consume egregious amounts of energy in the course of producing absolutely no value.
I dislike the use of the term “wrong” in this case immensely.
Everyone ought to be able to decide what to do with their own body, free from judgement. That includes whether to grow a fetus, and the decision making process is completely irrelevant.
It’s wrong to opine what’s right and wrong regarding someone else’s bodily autonomy.
If the question was, “if you were pregnant and you were told your child was going to be severely disabled, would you seek an abortion” the answer is “most likely”.