You misspelled Library Genesis.
You misspelled Library Genesis.
By the way, The Windows XP version has been ported to WASM, and you can play it in a browser.
TinyWall, Simplewall
I hate YAML so much
tl;dr: no-one was killed
I’ve found Cudatext a good alternative for light editing tasks.
A VPN subscription is 5€ / month, and qbittorrent is free.
WAN show
Safety Third
Asianometry (audio version of Youtube episodes)
The User Activation API has now been added, allowing JavaScript to check if the user currently is or has been active with the page (clicking, etc) with navigator.userActivation.
I don’t want sites to know if a page is active or not. How do I turn this off?
Definitely not Hetzner, lol.
I’m also glad, and wish he’ll be stabbed again.
Cloudflare hates VPNs, so when it comes to privacy, it’s not really a contest.
Did he try to hang himself on the toilet?