Then what way will, settler? Should we just start drilling down collaborators in the streets? Turn the whole country into O-Block?
“That’s how I knew it was the first day; wig-twisting season, where folks can get they wigs twisted back, within reason”
they/them || || No compromise, no retreat. || I don’t debate crackers, I just drag 'em
Then what way will, settler? Should we just start drilling down collaborators in the streets? Turn the whole country into O-Block?
Please. I’ve already seen ghoulish, unprincipled crackers talking about “the world is tired of martyrs” on this very site. Not one singular settler scumbag is going to change their ways over this. We need to stop immolating ourselves and start burning the real problems.
Honestly I’d sooner starve than go back to service. Consumer crackers are not housebroken; I’m not going back to almost-literally slaving for COVID-spewing petri dishes at any fast food hellhole in my city; layoffs or no I’m staying my ass in tech as long as I can.
Y’know, that explains why you’re so willing to overlook the hitlerite coinage of that term; considering who you fuckers vassal for and cosign. Y’all didn’t learn shit, huh? ‘Never again’ was just some pithy bullshit from y’all, huh?
Burrrrrrrrrn, baby, burn!
Holy fucking shit, they really want to kill us all. What’s the matter, is their Bronze-Age desert lich taking too long to come back?
Ah, so the next phase of Amerikan ‘friendship’ is due to start. (Y’know, the point where the betray they guy they’ve been funding for like a decade and send him scurrying into a mountain range if he lives, right?)
Did some aggrieved weirdo really make a comm because Hexbear considers them a chauvinist liberal? Highkey peckerwood activities 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
I’m kinda feeling the “c’mon, go see the titanic” meme, but regarding a total war that Amerika has literally no hope of winning. Just one of those countries routinely low-tech kicks the shit out of our forces without the war games having to get railroaded by the peckerwoods just to “prove” an ‘Allied’ victory; what the fuck do they think tackling Russia and China too will accomplish?
Trick and? I hope somebody does, after what happened to Khashoggi. To the exact same degree. Kill a journalist, never receive my support again; give a fuck who the peckerwoods that run my country ally with.
Germans going to bat for genociders, where’ve I… Heard this one… Before.
Goddammit no, I’m not going back to fuckin Chrome
Oh I’m talking about the ones who are already downrange, as opposed to during the village sweeps. Like, my granddad used to tell stories about one of his squaddies fragging a lieutenant because of the draft during his stay in Vietnam
Y’know, this is usually the part of the story where butterbars start finding the gift pineapples their press-ganged conscripts left under their cots for them. Wonder why we don’t hear stories about salsafied Banderites more often.
Imagine a neighboring country invaded your country, stole your land, killed your people indiscriminately, raped your women, tortured your defending soldiers, and spread propaganda that you all deserved this and would continue to receive this until you ceded all lands and resources to them. Now, what does fair peace look like in this scenario?
When you can answer this question regarding what white Amerika deserves, honestly, and without exceptionalist bias, that’ll be the ONLY time you’re EVER allowed to opine on the subject of what “invaders” deserve, who the actual colonizers are, or how to solve the problem. You fucking ghoul.
Nah, I’m pretty sure if I put a hole in somebody that wants to see me reduced to either prison slavery or a chalk outline for no other reason than the color of my skin, the texture of my hair, or who I’d side my solidarity with other than a morass of the people who oppress my community, then that’s one less colonizer I have to deal with.
If it’s a primarily-English speaking outlet, then I can answer this question immediately for the crackers: no. They’re not. Ukraine was exactly how I knew there wouldn’t be a single cracker that had an issue with what Israel is doing to Palestine. As soon as I knew no one would stop the Banderites, I knew no one was invested in stopping the Zionists either.
No hard questions were asked; all these crackers did was throw blurs over the insignias we called out before simply not taking photos if they couldn’t get around the nazi patches.