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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 9th, 2023


  • You think the only reason people could find destructive, violent behaviour to be unusual or difficult to understand is because they have no passion in their own lives?

    I’m just a little sad that there are people in the world who have grown up in such violent, loveless homes that they can’t conceive of finding violent behaviour over a sports game disgusting.

    I wonder how many of wives and partners who get the shit kicked out of them when their passionate “alpha” male’s favourite team loses would agree with you. Oh it’s OK, he had just lived such a full, passionate life that he sometimes loses his self control for a moment.

  • You are not the only one. We stopped at one because there are too many people. When I was born there were almost half the number of people there are today. I’m 43. In 1980 I don’t think there was an “oh my god we don’t have enough people” vibe.

    Especially in a time where we are all worried about our future on this planet, more people means more sources of pollution. More people want a car, more people getting on planes, more people consuming goods and throw away items.

    Seems like sometimes less is more.

  • I’d call ‘actual adulting’ having responsibility for another’s welfare. Whether a dog, cat or human, they are all varying levels of “if I fuck up, someone else suffers”.

    I still don’t feel fully like an adult, but I do feel the responsibility of ensuring there is food on the table and a roof over our heads. My partner is also responsible for these things so it is a little less pressure.

    All said I do not feel as adult as I saw my parents when they were my age. They seemed very grown up and very responsible compared to how I feel today. I was 11 when my dad was my age.

  • Many many people have no choice.

    A number of software companies have software which has become industry standard and do not support windows. That means any new employees have been educated and trained in using that software. So to defy that , you are either the odd man out in the company, or the odd company out in the industry.

    That causes you disadvantages of interoperability with colleagues or a need to train your new employees with skills that are typically only useful within your own company and delay the return on investment of your new hire which has financial implications.

    Wine has come a long way but many industry standard softwares do not play nicely. E.g. Adobe software, autocad, solidworks. If you get it running, you are not guaranteed the next version will work and if your whole team upgrades except you, you might lose the ability to work with their files. Your boss may not be happy if you need to spent x hours or days getting up and running again because you had to upgrade from v21 to v22 and it didn’t work out of the box in wine.

    Businesses need and require a different level of support vs home users so that issues can be fixed in a timely and reliable manner. Adding wine into the mix means every software problem now has potential causes not just in the software itself, but also in the wine setup.

    So ultimately where no native application exists and no compatible application exists, wine is not yet an acceptable solution for business use except in very fringe cases. So that leaves virtual machines as a solution, but then you are running windows with extra support issues again. So why would you not just run windows.

    I offer this answer as the reason windows is and will remain ubiquitous not as my own personal preferences or opinions.

    I tried working in Linux for several months but I kept coming up against barriers that cost me time , solely because of my choice to use it and not use windows. When I encountered issues, IT would not and could not help. In the end I deleted my Linux partition because I simply could not work with file formats colleagues were exchanging when working in Linux and I would have to switch to windows. In some cases there were conversations or workarounds but again these typically add work and introduce issues at times.

    If you want windows gone, the only way is to convince large software companies to support other operating systems natively or for wine to reach 100% parity with the experience on windows. The former will only happen if there is a financial positive for the companies and the latter will likely never happen, or take a very long time due to windows being a moving target.

  • Dear Ukraine ,

    Our leaders are idiots. We the public are immensely grateful for the job you are doing for the whole western world. The price you have had to pay is horrific and we obviously all prefer a time line where Russia did not invade, but they did, and the bravery, passion and fierceness you have shown in response had been inspirational. We all more than understand you are fighting a war so we don’t have to, not because you chose to but because you had no choice. The least we can do is provide arms. Gratitude should be coming from us not the other way around. Ben Wallace does not speak for the vast majority of us, neither do his colleagues in the rest of the party of “me”.