Just a warning: this takes pretty much every bad FF trope you can think of and turns it to max. Awful reading.
Just a warning: this takes pretty much every bad FF trope you can think of and turns it to max. Awful reading.
If you watched the video, you would know you don’t actually own the battery but lease it from the manufaturer.
Bullshit. I can use docker without the docker hub very easily. Anyone can host docker images, and docker allows this, no weird hacks needed.
Docker does not lock you in with the docker hub though. So no hostage taking.
They will shame you, for your messy code. People suck sometimes.
It can hide cookie banners for you with the right settings. Since gdpr dictates no choice = no cookies, this should block all tracking stuff.
I don’t remember what exactly you need to enable, but you can use DDG to find out.
No (or very limited) editing in Okular…
The micro USB standard was also an EU thing, just voluntary, and not just for Apple.
Yes, but under treath of lawmakers mandating a single standard. And the EU has now forced a single standard anyway on smartphones, tablets, etc.
Although I agree that there are quite a few examples of a “naturally emerging” single standards without lawmaker intervention, but this is not really one of them…
This is how I started in a tiny room. I am not proud, but maybe good to show between all the shiny things here.