They should be treating these terrorists like we treated members of ISIS, etc. Terrorists shouldn’t have the option of fleeing because they should be imprisoned ahead of the trial for this exact reason.
They should be treating these terrorists like we treated members of ISIS, etc. Terrorists shouldn’t have the option of fleeing because they should be imprisoned ahead of the trial for this exact reason.
This is how I got started 20 years ago when I got my first apartment. Cookbook with “easy” or “quick” recipes and you’ll eventually get good at it. It’s still the best way to learn.
Holy shit. This website is great. Thanks.
Covid seemed to change workplace attire in my company forever. I used to wear a coat and tie to meetings and events… I’m now wearing a polo shirt and stretchy chinos with “dress shoes” that are basically sneakers.
If these assholes were people of color they’d have all been killed, no trial, and sure as hell no light sentencing
I feel like I’ve been forced to switch a lot of my default applications lately based on shitty decisions from tone deaf companies. I guess I’m going to move from Brave to Firefox finally.
I love how these fucks have rebranded the word “accountability” into “cancel culture”.
Imagine being dumb enough to commit a felony for a billionaire who hates you.
It’s amazing how far narcissism can go when left unchecked.