If parents weren’t confused by
Xbox Xbox 360 Xbox One Xbox Series S/X
Then the number 2 should be just fine.
If parents weren’t confused by
Xbox Xbox 360 Xbox One Xbox Series S/X
Then the number 2 should be just fine.
Looks like this links back to a reddit thread with a bunch of leak info:
While I didn’t hate the menus on those older systems, I’m happy they went with what we have in the switch right now - speed.
That said, the newer switch probably has enough horsepower to add a little bit of they wanted to. But I’d rather the menus simply be fast. Perhaps they can strike a good middle ground.
They can easily do both (have the joycons mouse and ability to use a regular mouse).
And maybe you want to play a mouse game and only have the switch with you. Boom, you have a mouse with you already.
The only reason everyone is whelmed is because of all the leaks.
Had no one known anything, we’d be talking about the bigger size, new joycons and such.
Since there are no surprises we are just confirming what we already know.
A thing I just thought of is that it’d be super cool if - by using the joy con as a mouse - they had a track creator mode where you could share custom tracks.
If you have a joy con handy, take it and place it on a mousepad and move it around. It feels surprisingly good in the hand.
How great would Mario Maker 3 be if you had a mouse input to place all the blocks and select items and stuff.
Or maybe even a track editor for the new Mario Kart! That’d be sweet. And with the mouse they could really let you shape tracks and add foliage easier.
I’ll believe it when I see it, but that’s cool if true!
I read it yesterday from a link a friend shared - if it is the right document, that is. It seems like it is.
And it’s what you expect: insurance screwed over his mom, and then him, so that plus a lot of stuff he was reading radicalized him to do what he did.
What a great game. No other theme park builder has ever been as good.
2 in my opinion is the worst of the trilogy.
3 is a masterpiece, and doesn’t have that gotcha crap.
If I recall correctly, Nintendo announced the Switch on Jimmy Fallon (gross) in December before it dropped the following spring, so there is some precedent. Though I would agree now is a different ballgame since the switch exists and they still want to sell them until they can’t.
Pretty interesting that they are bringing this game out. We’ll be able to play all of the Xenoblade Chronicles games on the Switch, which is nice. Everyone needs to go out and waste about 500 hours on these games. At the very least XC 1-3 because that trilogy is so good, and ends so well.
What’s interesting to me is that the launch date is set for March, which means one of a few things:
Either the Switch 2 drops later than that (my guess around May), or this game will launch on both systems, or the Switch 2 is actually a fever dream and the regular Switch is Nintendo’s last console ever.
My dream is that switch 2 somehow bumps the framerate of xenoblade chronicles 3 and BotW/TotK.
Yeah! I’m enjoying it quite a bit.
Maannn, a new Solomon’s Key game would be so cool.
Ultimate is a top tier game, but I do see your concern with only being able to play handheld. I can personally play it handheld for a while and not feel too bad (by that I mean hand cramps), but it certainly does feel 100x better on a TV.
What I might ask is if you are planning on getting a Switch 2 next year. If so, we can reasonably assume the form factor will be about the same and you’ll get the TV access. Everything we’ve heard so far says Switch games will work with the Switch 2. So in the short term you may not be able to play with friends locally on the same screen, within the year we’ll have a new system and in the meantime get some good experience with the game with what you have now.
I do still play online, and there’s still a community there, so at least you’ll be able to play with other people that way.
Does anyone know if the coop can be played “locally” from switch to switch or is it only online?
I have a flight coming up with some friends, and it’d sure be cool to just play this on the plane with them.
That’s certainly a possibility. I just have this feeling that Nintendo doesn’t have any other games than what they showed us in this direct to fill up a whole extra year. Of course, that’s just a feeling.
And I feel like they may follow the Switch playbook where they show off the console in December - probably during the game awards or (ugh) on Jimmy Fallon like they did last time. Then launch in four to six months with Metroid.
I hate this dumbshit as much as trump, but we shouldn’t be sharing fake twitter posts. It doesn’t help anything.