Sorry to hear it bud, he seems like he would have been a fun friend. Hope you can find some solace, I’m sure his life was better for having you in it.
Sorry to hear it bud, he seems like he would have been a fun friend. Hope you can find some solace, I’m sure his life was better for having you in it.
Charisma is being able to sell a fruit salad with tomatoes in it.
I’ll be honest, the only reason I originally switched was because I needed to learn flask for a work thing. I didn’t really notice any major differences in performance, but it was a pretty light website at that point anyway. I do prefer flask now, but that might just be because I’ve used it more.
I started out on django and ended up switching to flask for all my python backends, but it depends on what exactly you want. Django is very hand-holdy and does some of the work of setting up new pages/routes for you, however that does put you on rails a little bit compared to flask. Flask is more performant and customizable, but it’s slightly more effort to get going in my opinion.
Just for the sake of information, the two common ways to put this in English are “How it feels” and “What it feels like”. The former phrase is just descriptive, so it doesn’t need the “like” at the end. The latter phrase is comparative to another thing, so it needs the like. Also this is something that native speakers mix up all the time, so don’t worry too much; your English is great!
Those are the different soil horizons, which are basically just layers of soil with different properties. If you’re interested in checking out actual soil profiles, the NRCS Web Soil Survey is a super cool website for the US.
You know that’s right
I’m a complete layman when it comes to law so forgive me if this is an ignorant question, but would the official in question have to be actually convicted of insurrection/rebellion before this comes into effect? I assumed that’s what they meant by “It’s not self executing” because otherwise would it not just be up to each state officials individual discretion to exercise this? Thanks so much for the detailed breakdown, Preets podcasts have turned me into a bit of an uneducated legal nerd so this is all fascinating to me.
Most of the legal minds I’ve heard discuss this think it’s pretty interesting philosophically, but not at all actionable. Former US attorneys Preet Bharara and Chuck Rosenberg mentioned it in a recent podcast that I found super insightful.
Three top ranking members of Wagner on the flight, Prigozhins main connection to the oil & gas sector, and Prigozhins body squad all on board, I doubt a mercenary army is organized enough to make an actual push without their leadership. You have to remember, a huge part of the Wagner ground forces were recruited from prisons and told “If you live 6 months on the frontline, you earn your freedom.” I doubt most of the soldiers are actually loyal to Prigozhin, they just saw an opportunity for freedom from Russian prisons.
Totally agree. Saying that “any criticism of the Chinese government is sinophobic” is the same as saying that “any criticism of Israel’s government is antisemitic.”