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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 21st, 2023

  • Those companies aren’t supplying telecom kit.

    I don’t know what you mean by R&D “taxes.” Do you mean profits that go into R&D? Tax breaks which Microsoft and others exploit to the maximum under the guise of “R&D” to lower their burden to negotiable (for them) amounts?

    Regardless, there’s a huge difference between a bad company like Microsoft and one like Huawei. China is absolutely notorious for modern day industrial espionage. Anyone who denies it has to be delusional. And they lose their shit when their own tactics, like forced technology transfers and requirements to partner with domestic firms, are applied to them in equal measure.

    Let’s look at Huawei for example. They straight up plagiarized a huge amount of code from Cisco. This includes esoteric bugs and their error messages. This isn’t a Oracle vs Google “same name of API” thing.

    Europe should really subsidize their own tech sector so they don’t have to rely on China or the US for vital infrastructure.

  • They are definitely turning on Jesus and have been for quite some time now. There is an interesting statement from the former head of SBC wherein he states churchgoers are finding Jesus’ supposed teachings as being too woke and part of a liberal agenda. Can’t make this up. It was only a matter of time.

    But Jesus also didn’t like mixing. That is why he instructed the apostles and other adherents to never teach gentiles and Samaritans. That was retconned years later by the church because they said people had visions of a resurrected jesus commanding them to mix with gentiles. But for a while there it was very much a racial/ethno in-group only. That is why Jesus supposedly stated he taught in parables; so gentiles wouldnt understand what he was talking about and find salvation. That is what Matthew 13:11-17 is about.

    People need to stop characterizing Jesus as some socialists woke advocate like I see in this thread. His character wasn’t. He didn’t preach universal love and compassion, and he taught contradictory messages about pacifism probably because dozens of people created this character over centuries.

    I honestly think people want to think the religion can’t be that bad and that the adherents are just awful.

  • The only time they “think of the children”

    I disagree. I mean, I agree, but they also think of the children constantly. Otherwise how else could they constantly sexualize, groom, and abuse them? Right wingers protest too much on this topic. Their leadership is awash in pedophiles. So are their rank and file. Their churches are child rape factories regardless of denomination or geographic location or size.

    I guess it does go hand in hand with their entire idea of stripping protections and rights from children so they can be used like objects and thrown away when they’ve been used up/grown up.

  • That’s right. That speed and convenience is already there, happening because of the workers who wake up every day and make the world happen.

    But writers, directors, and actors (among others) receiving no (or comically small, like literal cents) for residuals because industry suit-wearing parasites created a looophole in streaming such that payment is not required? That’s a big reason for those media strikes. Among many other abuses such as trying to replace people with “AI” which only benefits the people who don’t work and contribute to society.

    If every rich bastard acting as shareholder disappeared tomorrow, the world would continue on. But a strike is really making people get bent out of shape because they are slightly inconvenienced as people fight for fair wages and treatment. That tells you who is really important I guess.

    We need to break up all media and scatter it to the winds. I know it won’t happen, but it needs to happen. It all acts as a propaganda network for their billionaire owners protecting their own class to our detriment.

  • That’s right. People are missing the fact that Yellow was sucked dry by the do-nothing non-working parasite shareholders like 5 years ago. They begged the union for a “temporary” salary cut of 15% across the board AND a 75% cut in pension funding. It was made permanent by the company unilaterally while the suits further enriched the people with still too firmly attached heads. They also never restored health insurance funding which was another “temporary” concession.

    The rich need to learn to be mortally afraid of the workers again.