This pic is awesome.
Visited my friend this year who lived in Utrecht and he said this library is his favorite place to go to the bathroom for free
This pic is awesome.
Visited my friend this year who lived in Utrecht and he said this library is his favorite place to go to the bathroom for free
We got some good reds and greens tonight in Wisconsin!
I know I’m probably doing it wrong but this is how I feel whenever I write unit tests
Really helpful, thanks!
I still use mine from time to time, but am kinda out of the torrenting game and stuck with my old music. What are people using to get songs now a days?
(Assuming you’re stopping)
Maybe there are better ways but I tapered down to the lowest dose and then just pushed through for a couple weeks.
It helped that each day was noticeably better than the last like at first it was every 10-15 minutes and a couple days later it was every hour or two
FWIW I’ve got grapheneOS without google play services on a financial profile, and all of my financial apps work including: -Two credit card apps -Bank app -Three investing apps -Two direct transfer apps
One of the credit cards apps (amex) does give a “warning” on each page that it needs play services to function but if I click Ok it actually still just works.
Once it gets this bad there are only two ways out. Its pretty interesting cause in the 1800s both France and England were in similar debt to income ratio situations as we are now due to war spending but took different paths to fix it.
England tightened spending and had almost a century of lower economic growth to get back to near net zero debt right before WWI. Took a really long time. Was also helped out by explosive population growth, which isn’t really an option for us at this point.
France didn’t cut spending as much, and as a result had such massive inflation that the nominal value of the debt was close to like 1/100th of the initial value, bringing it to near zero as well. This also had the effect of wiping out any wealth not tied to physical assets. So like any family that was wrapped up in bonds lost everything. This is probably what’s gonna happen to us
The stuff in the video makes sense, but what I can never understand is how we choose reference. Like if the space ship is the reference, wouldn’t everything else be moving at the speed of light and therefore slow down instead? Is it safe to assume some universal fixed point that’s everything else is moving around?