I mean, their purpose is to cost the US and Mexico vast sums of money until they get their way. Starving them out is their best case scenario.
I mean, their purpose is to cost the US and Mexico vast sums of money until they get their way. Starving them out is their best case scenario.
100% an upper or “microdosing” on a hallucinogen. Just a nibble of psilocybin every day before impregnating a secretary and after bed.
This is entirely unrelated, aside from the stupidity of the subject, but I’m reminded of that fella who repeatedly injected mushrooms to try to get high. He sterilized the mushrooms by boiling, then blended, loaded into a hypo, and slowly plunged the mixture into his arm. He ended up with a complete systemic fungal infection but survived. I wish Musk would get creative with it.
It is my political opinion that milk, water, tea (practically water), and vodka are the only beverages fit for human consumption. There’s an argument to be made for certain juices, but it can be safely ignored as Dole propaganda. You only get the two sets of teeth, all.
A small sprinkle of low moisture cheese or a slice of mushroom atop the kiwi would insulate it from the heat and provide mouthfeel. It’s the best way I’ve found to keep fresh mozzarella and basil from overcooking. You’ve made me curious enough to try it as well. But I’m a bit sad that my dream of whole, unhidden kiwi slices hanging out atop a pizza as a vegetarian facsimile of pepperoni is dead. You’re a trailblazer.
Also, it may have actually softened your cheese as well, which is interesting. “Actinidain also makes raw kiwifruit unsuitable for use in desserts containing milk or any other dairy products because the enzyme digests milk proteins. This applies to gelatin-based desserts, due to the fact that the actinidain will dissolve the proteins in gelatin, causing the dessert to either liquefy or prevent it from solidifying.”
To be fair, unaffordable healthcare is the result of identical issues. A powerful lobbying group preventing the socialization of a universal human need is the cause of most issues in the US, really. What was it, like 300k in campaign donations on average to buy a senator? The number was terrifyingly low.
How’d it turn out? I generally make a sweet red sauce to complement the feta so kiwi wouldn’t be terrible on mine. I have no clue whether it’d dump huge amounts of water on the pizza or burn. Spill your secrets, o kiwizza keeper.
Uhh, how do you mean? Clarence Thomas is now wealthy, which precludes such labels.
I mean, there are 3 big multiplayer mods for sm64 that I can think of offhandedly. Nintendo has been hands-off with them for at least 5 years now.
I’m seeing a lot of Newsweek posted here and that is disheartening, to say the least. Newsweek is half a step from the dailymail’s level of bombastic misrepresentation. Continued use of Newsweek as a source is not ideal as a result.
I’m not sure whether you’ve followed my pun with another joke that I’m too dim to understand. Explain yourself, buddy.
I’m glad I’m not the only one with their mind’s eye trained firmly on Biden’s dong.
If you can dodge criminal discharge of a firearm, you can dodge a bill. Seriously though, how did he manage to blow through his speaking money? I’d read that he’d earned 10k on several.
You’ve said quite a bit to this vegetarian-since-you-were-an-egg that I processed well over a decade ago. I want you, if you don’t mind, to read my other replies and to reread the question I responded to. And with the most belabored sigh that you can imagine, can I say please?
Houthis now in conflict with Saudi Arabia, Israel, and the US. What an impetuous decision.
Your food and clothing likely involved slavery directly and murder by less than a degree of separation, you goober. Yes, it’s a marketing issue.
Canned pineapple chunks are fantastic
I’m not sure if you’re also joking or not.
Pre-cut fruit is such a bizarre concept. “No, I could never eat an entire pineapple, it’s too big!” Cool, then grab a smaller fruit to fill the niche. It’s like no one has even considered ham and kiwi pizza.
In 1868, Englishman Edward Charles Kirby established the first slaughterhouse in Kobe, and in 1869, a sukiyaki restaurant called “Gekka-tei” opened in Kobe.
Not really, I’m vegetarian out of preference but I get where people come from. I’ve offered the truth of the matter, irrespective of my feelings on it.
That private prisons have contracts stipulating a minimum number of prisoners with long-term guarantees is dystopian on its own. Every bit past that is a shit cherry on top. The incestuous relationship between government and private industry exists because regulatory capture is ridiculously difficult to frugally undo once contracts are in place. How no one has tracked down the ceos of Corrections Corp of America et al., I honestly don’t know. There’s a very small, specific, actionable set of people making the world worse.