“I can’t wait for them to reboot The Fantastic Four again” said nobody ever
“I can’t wait for them to reboot The Fantastic Four again” said nobody ever
Don’t forget the situations where you find a good blog post or article that you can actually follow along until halfway through you get an error that the documentation doesn’t address. So you do some research and find out that they updated the commands for one of the dependency apps, so you try to piece together the updated documents with the original post, until something else breaks and you just end up giving up out of frustration.
Reminds me of a guy I knew who kept getting letters for a $10 parking fine he got while at university. He waited until they spent more in postage than the fine before paying it.
Also fuck CVS for making deals with insurance companies to force people to use them.
It has to do with the setting. It’s not just a Native American riding away on horse back, but the fact that the settler is watching him with his rifle near by. It is like he is driving him away and claiming the land for his own.
An agency spokesperson claimed that the move had nothing to do with politics. Internal emails show otherwise.
Texas Monthly continuing to fight the good fight here, and telling it like it is. Sadly half of my family calls them fake news.
I would say you are more literate because it’s in the last sentence, most people never read that far.
It certainly does have an Adult Swim/Sealab vibe to it