Don’t act like Canada hasn’t been seeing it’s own share of right wing extremists making their way into government.
Don’t act like Canada hasn’t been seeing it’s own share of right wing extremists making their way into government.
Simple, they don’t have any direct competition.
Microsoft and Sony are competing against each other and Nintendo is doing their own thing, they always have. Nintendo won the console wars of their time, and now just does their own thing. Sony and Microsoft waded in and created a new console war and Nintendo hasn’t tried to compete against them, but they sell record numbers of devices every year doing it.
When was the last time Nintendo released hardware just to compete, rather than to innovate in a way they wanted to move forward, regardless of the other companies? Nintendo sits on their bubble printing money doing whatever they want and their customers of all ages, hardcore and casual, keep coming back for more every year. Meanwhile everyone else fights around them for a different set of “gamer” customers, and the title goes back and forth.
Country borders are just lines on a map. They don’t exist in the real world.
If only everyone was able to experience the overview effect, a lot of our issues could potentially fix themselves.
Their response was to avoid it, resulting in the worst option by default.
It was clear this would be the result. Choosing not to vote was the worst option to choose both objectively, and morally. And considering the entire supposed reasoning was moral, they failed spectacularly.
So fucking idiots were idiots, as usual. And they believe they’re somehow morally superior while handing Gaza over to Israel in the process. As if Trump and the Republican party was the better option, they care even less about Gaza than the Biden admin.
This is why the Dems and progressive both keep losing everything, too many dumb fucks that think they’re making a difference while just making things worse with inaction.
IIRC the emergency landing gear deployment relies solely on gravity to drop and lock them into place, it’s a passive system. Not 100% effective, but something that doesn’t require a powered system of any kind for emergencies. Even if they didn’t lock into place, they would at least deploy, which doesn’t seem to have been the case here.
The cutoff to the wrong engine is sadly the most likely given the rest of the context like altitude and already aborting one attempt due to the strike. Lots of things to track that low to the ground, easy to forget you didn’t deploy the landing gear the first time when your focus was trying to keep it in the air at that point and then going around and realigning for another attempt while also shutting down an engine.
Planes glide, fairly well. However, that requires having altitude and time to plan and maneuver since you cannot usually gain new altitude and any maneuver bleeds it off quickly. Control surfaces use hydraulics not electric motors, and standby power provides basic instrumentation, despite not powering the recorders.
And of course working landing gear (most landing gear drops and locks into position due to gravity, no power needed).
This particular case had basically none of those advantages, and possibly landing gear issues as well. There are a lot of questions in this crash, and many of the preliminary answers currently seem to be pointing towards things like poor maintenance, just bad luck, and the always possible pilot error.
This is why throat flight recorders are so useful. Hearing the pilot conversations in the cockpit helps with knowing what they were working through, and instrumentation logs help with what the plane was telling the pilots. Missing the last 4 minutes is the worst time for a gap, but the exact reason why battery backups are in newer planes. They should have been required to be installed in all previous ones as well.
Not very common for both recorders to stop abruptly before a crash. Unless they lost all power, which means both engines.
This particular plane seems to have been manufactured before backup batteries were required, so without main AC power the recorders would have stopped, standby power doesn’t connect to the recorders.
This is why many/most reviews are actually useless.
Many people use reviews to complain, about anything, especially if it has nothing to do with the product because it’s the easiest way to try and get it out of their system.
Combined with fake reviews, astroturfed reviews from undisclosed free products, and the average user having no knowledge of a product or category to compare against, etc. and I’d even say most reviews are effectively useless.
On the bright side, seeing any of those types of phrases in the review means you can effectively ignore that review entirely.
While the North and South poles match the planet’s axis of spin. If you’re comparing differences in latitude, you’re looking at it as if the Earth were spinning around a vertical point between the poles, but the planet itself is tilted 23.5° compared to the solar plane. Plus we’re in an elliptical orbit, not circular, and that axis of tilt also wobbles about from the pull of not only the Sun but also the gas giants in our solar system like Saturn and Jupiter, and of course the Moon which also gives us our regular tides.
There’s a lot of factors that go into orbital mechanics. All of which result in our planet having widely varying tidal forces, distinct seasons, but still resulting in an overall stable and balanced ecosystem.
They can say whatever they want about him without actually stranding him in Russia to literally be a potential further leak. The info he leaked is different than his knowledge of processes and systems.
Yeah so many people talk about Snowden going to Russia and ignore the fact that he was only in Russia transferring to another plane when his passport was cancelled stranding him there. The choice was basically stay there, or go back to the US, and that wasn’t really an option.
Why the US would want to leave him in Russia as a potential asset for Russian intelligence to break instead of letting him get to a different country that isn’t such a direct threat though is a really good question.
That’s not a direct threat, it’s a probably factual statement, and will continue to be so unless things change.
It also almost surely doesn’t reach the definition of a True Threat for any charges. This is 100% a rightfully pissed off person being charged as a threat against the rest of the populace trying to enact any change on the status quo.
Not gonna lie, I thought half of those listed were from Disney, Pixar, or DreamWorks.
I wish there was an “anti-rapture” where the worst were taken all at once to forever live in hell, leaving us poor miserable souls to be “left behind” to suffer a life of peace and decency toward humankind.
From my experience with the types of folks that believe that is going to happen, that would just be the regular rapture.
It doesn’t even earn any money.
Neither do the rotisserie chickens at the store. Or Costco’s $1.50 hot dog and soda combo.
Chrome isn’t intended to make money, it’s a loss leader.
I never claimed that email or patient portals weren’t allowed.
The “modern” fax machine using telephone was invented in 1964 by Xerox, but technically the fax machine goes back to 1843. Bain patented the electric printing telegraph, which used pendulums and electric signals to scan images and send them over telegraph wires.
See, you’re thinking 21st century, but this is both a healthcare management technology and a government regulation issue, so you’re 2 centuries too new. We need to go back to 1843 with the electric printing telegraph, which used pendulums and electric signals to scan images and send them over telegraph wires. That’s where healthcare technology regulations stopped.
They’re already rounding up native Americans in these groups. It’s only a matter of time until they start deporting randomly to other countries because ICE was already an incompetent organization and has done that previously numerous times, speeding things up just means more fuckups. Which is of course, the plan. Because it’s not about illegals, or immigrants, it’s about non-whites.