I can smell the covid from here
I can smell the covid from here
I clicked the wrong comment section and thought you were replying to this post
Brooklyn woman sues Subway, claims Steak & Cheese sandwich in ad has ‘200% more meat’.
I wear a bra because I feel weird when my tits are bouncing freely in public, or when I know that others can see my nipples. I don’t think there’s anything inherently wrong with going braless, but I definitely have been conditioned to feel weird about it, and it’s hard to shake.
Noo that’s the wrong direction
Nah, I didn’t read the headline thinking that they were sharing links with each other. It read to me like he and his son are holding each other accountable for how often they pleasure themselves with porn, and that’s incredibly fucking weird and inappropriate. While I think it’s generally a positive thing to be open and honest with your children, there is definitely a line. And this totally crosses that.
I can’t speak to Copeland’s character, but regardless, I think you misunderstood what OP was saying. There was zero attack on Copeland. They were drawing a parallel between Hitler’s peeps being homophobic to the point that they executed a close ally for being gay so as not to ruin Hitler’s image, and the Republican party outing this man for cross dressing, which led to his suicide.
Yes, many of us agree that Christianity is also not a model religion (if there even is such a thing). Not sure what the point is in bringing that up in a discussion about an Iranian teen being murdered for not wearing a hijab.
I agree that the older American generations had this whole thing where they said the US is the greatest country in the world, but as an American millenial, I certainly don’t feel that way. And I haven’t met too many Americans in my generation or younger that genuinely feel that way (granted, maybe this is cause I don’t have any MAGA friends). Those of us that don’t follow the train wreck that is Trump are very aware of our country’s deep flaws and corruptions, and like virtually every other country that has corruption, there’s little the people can do. I vote, and I encourage others to vote, but not a whole lot I can do about the rich driving this country into the ground.
I can tell you just naturally dislike Americans and think we’re all the same, but maybe consider the fact that none of us can control where we were born, and many of us don’t have the luxury of just moving out of the country. So please don’t assume that living in the country you were born and raised in automatically means that you are ok with the decisions our overlords are making for us.
Agreed! She has the most wonderful smirk in the pic of her being carried off.
My god, it was right in front of us all along!!
Thank you for sharing your perspective. I hadn’t thought about it like that, but I think you’ve got a point. When horrible people are leading a country, both horrible people and people that maybe don’t know any better will come out of the woodwork to support them and carry out their demands. That’s no reason to condemn an entire country, but every reason to condemn that leader. Blanket statements can very rarely be applied to a large group of people.
Not what I said, or what I meant… Just typed out the first thing that comes to my head when I see large crowds nowadays. Apparently, I’m the only one lol