That combined with building materials, where I live we build out of Adobe and my house stays warm in winter and cool in summer, the outside looks like mud smeared on the walls.
That combined with building materials, where I live we build out of Adobe and my house stays warm in winter and cool in summer, the outside looks like mud smeared on the walls.
That’s not bad for government work. Since it seems like this money was allocated and given to states to use for charging stations I would expect to see it fully implemented in 20 years.
For the business I worked at we locked them because if it was open people would fill them up in a single night meaning we had to pay extra for a early pick up.
For what I do for work and the shoes I like shoes with laces are the only option
I don’t shower 10 times a day but I do leave the house in and out at least that much and not just little quick trips I could wear slippers, I’m not gonna lace up my boots 10 times and unlike them 10 times everyday. I also don’t have filthy carpets so it’s easy to clean my floors.
Did your wife grow up in a house that was all carpeted? And did you grow up in a house that was cement or wood? I could understand not wanting shoes on inside if it was wall to wall carpet or rugs.
Biden is responsible for a lot of things but this is not one of them.
In your linked article it says the DEA has final authority, the president does not have the power to tell federal agencies what to do, he can make suggestions or pressure them. Even the “biden ordered every federal agency to return to office” is bull shit. He suggested returning to office but each agency can do what they want, and they have since many agencies have no plans to return to office.
Biden can not unilaterally deschedule or reschedule a controlled substance. He can do what he is doing, by pressuring the DEA, HHS and FDA to deschedule it, but without congress approval he can not use a executive order to reschedule Marijuana as per the controlled substance act
Those lazy boomers just don’t wanna work any more, my generation (millenial) has at least two jobs and shares a apt with 6 other people. Or why don’t they just learn to code?
And then she went back to get a abortion and the hospital waxed intellectually on the ethics of abortion for hours and hours before she left and miscarried in her toilet.
Wait times are are just roughly 10 percent faster in the US than Canada so I’ll take free and waiting a month more than going into crippling debt
He traveled across state lines to commit a hate crime, he should be getting some serious charges not some slap on the wrist BS
Maybe Isreal learned from it when hamas said they want to kill all jews? Might wanna take those threats seriously
Well that’s fucked. Send them to a holocaust museum
They’re supposed to realize Trump will have a Muslim ban and take away their rights and then go full on genocide using US troops to help Isreal do it more efficiently and then probably throw all Muslims into camps to be reconditioned or worked to death. I don’t know what they expect biden to do, I don’t claim to understand geopolitics but I’m pretty sure it would be a disaster for the US to end relations with Isreal.
Well this isn’t creepy as fuck…
Always vote, no matter what. If everyone who said it doesn’t matter voted your red state might turn blue or at very least purple. Even if it still stays red it will be a sign that people are rejecting Republicans and could force change. Plus lots of races aren’t just for president and are local things which can be won with less then 1000 votes in many places so vote every time always.