A panicked captain, ordering her guns to sound, in a desperate attempt to establish dominance. Who could be surprised when a retort came across her bow?
A panicked captain, ordering her guns to sound, in a desperate attempt to establish dominance. Who could be surprised when a retort came across her bow?
Kinda like how Hitler started spreading his rhetoric with workers. Get fucked, fascists. We need a real workers party, from the ground up. Not a rebranded rainbow capitalist party. Democrats are useless and should be abandoned.
Pushing bounds to see what they can get away with, same old song and dance.
Garbage article, hiding behind the ADL, afraid to call him a nazi as well. Cowards who don’t call out nazi-ism are playing defense for the nazi’s. To the wall with the lots of them, good on Sam for not bowing to fascist authority.
Damn, I feel like Speed just came out, but they dropped that album back in '19.
Read that in his voice, well done.
Putting the word genocide in quotes like that seems dismissive of the plight of Palestinians.
The traditional metal instruments don’t really do anything different from western metal, but it lays down a solid foundation for the eastern instruments, which add an interesting element.
The english lyrics were just as nu metal as I was expecting, though I’d say a touch uninspired. Change the city name and those lyrics could have been written and sang by that guy anywhere in the world. I could listen to the Indian lyrics with the metal backdrop any day, though, that was certainly interesting.
Definitely a toe tapper, a nice break from the almost exclusively European and American based bands that I typically listen to, even if it is nu metal in 2024. For me, folk metal is always a welcome addition.
On the Rineck Scale, I give it a 3 out of 4.
Let yourself be cold for a bit, too. If you immediately try to fight off the cold, you’re not letting your body acclimate. There’s only so many layers you can throw on, but if you allow your body to adjust, there’s less layers required.
IIRC, there were members of his administration who resigned due to how slowly he was genociding the Gazans.
My slopes aren’t as slippery, where did you buy yours? I get why you said that, given the tumultuous nature surrounding Israel since it’s founding in the 1940’s, but the Arab nations said they would cease aggression when Israel did. Perhaps Israel having it’s sticks taken away is a step towards a peaceful Middle-East?
What a garbage article. It makes it seem like the consequences of Israel’s genocide is actually a masterful gambit of Iran using militia groups to tighten a noose on Israel. It fails to mention the genocide at all. Also the way it weaves in the threat of war with China, and hints at nuclear war, is peak fearmongering and sabrerattling. I figured Forbes would be a shitty source, and I was not surprised.
The whole article is based on saying that war is unavoidable, but also fails to mention that those same Iranian backed militias have all said they would cease aggression if the genocide stopped. Israel’s commitment to this genocide is the only thing that guarantees further war.
Same, it was a night I waited 15 years for haha
Just saw them play this live a few weeks ago, it was an amazing show.
The imagery that comes to mind is a special israeli kid facing a football goal, ball at his feet. Behind the kid with the ball is an american, cheering him on and encouraging him. Across from them is an iranian goalkeeper.
The israeli kicks the ball, the american cheers and praises as the ball slowly rolls across the grass. The iranian goalkeeper dives dramatically in the wrong direction, allowing the ball to roll in.
The american raises the drooling israeli child onto his shoulders while the stadium erupts into praise and celebration of the kid’s accomplishment.
I think it would be an incredibly unpopular decision by Biden, and the American people would not support a war with Iran. I also think that it would be a tactical mistake, given how many US assets are within Iranian striking distance right now. The US military is having recruiting issues currently, and a war will not help that.
However, I wouldn’t be surprised to see ISIS attacks in Iran start to happen more frequently.
I was late to work last Friday, intentionally, because my cat fell asleep in my lap while I was eating breakfast. That moment meant more to me than making sure I was there in time, no matter what it may have impacted. Working to live, not living to work, is the rallying cry upper management needs to come to terms with.
I disagree to this as well.
I disagree, you wouldn’t need a medical doctor in my proposal except to declare death.
He’s just helping the ukrainian war effort and their low recruitment problem.