some of them are devilishly hard to master.
The Magmoor Bomb Jump energy tank in the original version of Metroid Prime wants to say hello.
some of them are devilishly hard to master.
The Magmoor Bomb Jump energy tank in the original version of Metroid Prime wants to say hello.
Accidental DisplayPort guy checking in. I didn’t even know it was a thing until I bought my graphics card. It seems like I dummied my way into some good tech.
I have to make do with the cards I’ve been dealt, unfortunately. Part of me wants to flip the table, but that is only going to make things worse.
“defending itself”
Right. Keep telling yourself that. When someone punches you in the nose, you don’t get to kill him, his family, his friends, and everyone who ever encountered him or knows of his existence and claim you’re just defending yourself.
Guess I forgot to include that they also have to have a nonzero chance of getting elected.
Well if someone actually good ran for President I’d vote for them. Until then, I’ll have to make do and vote for the person who isn’t actively trying to make the US as nightmarish as possible.
Here is toothpick. Take. Use to build house.
For me, the most dangerous spots as a pedestrian are when you’re walking along a busy road, facing traffic, and you need to cross a minor street or a parking lot outlet. Drivers coming out of those will usually start pulling forward without looking my direction even a single time. It doesn’t matter that they’re stopped. They could start moving at any time if they see an opening in the traffic to make their turn. I’ve nearly been run over a few times because of that.
No, Republican politicians and a minority of voters have decided it’s acceptable, and because of our convoluted and poorly designed political system, the rest of us are forced to put up with it.
BRUH. Read the comment you replied to again. He’s saying the comparison is what people freak out about. He agrees with you.
I think the downvotes are from people with poor reading comprehension. Like the guy who thought you were laughing about genocide.
It’s Murrikan cup and teaspoon.
3 teaspoons in a tablespoon.
16 tablespoons in a cup
4 cups in a quart.
3x16x4=192 teaspoons in a quart.
TIL the dad from Smallville was played by a comic book villain.
I think they meant good and bad in terms of skill level, not moral alignment.
I just looked it up out of curiosity, and Minnesota’s old flag is boring and generic AF. It was a member of the “state seal on blue” club.
Well, “Jewish Holocaust Denier” certainly wasn’t on my bingo card.
that guy with crazy demon eyes
Kenneth Copeland?
In Alameda, I guess?