The Verge claims it is Felons email address.
The Verge claims it is Felons email address.
Jehovah’s Witnesses? Scientology?
Well, damn.
Also, pedophiles are not all child molesters and vice versa.
In fact, most child abusers are not pedophiles. They victimize children not because they are children but because they are easy prey.
It’s about the power and control. If their victims weren’t children, they’d be called sociopaths or psychopaths.
Pedophilia can be easily treated but because of hate-mongers who have conflated these two things, many fear they’ll be arrested if they seek help. Even if they’ve never done anything wrong. Some do become abusers because they feel like they have no safe way of dealing with their feelings.
Trying to equate LGBTQ to pedophilia is using misinformation and lies to hurt and scare.
It’s the ultimate in hate and ignorance.
I’ll look into this. This is kinda my holiday gift to myself.
Any good sites to buy? I’m trying to avoid Walmart and Amazon.
I went to see Venom and there was a group of people in the row in front of me - almost 10 people, all adults. They brought a toddler that screamed any time a symbiote was on screen. Which was a lot.
I saw it yesterday. I enjoyed it more than the second one. It had a lot of heart. My only complaint is that it could have used a little more exposition. I understood what was going on. I would have liked more details.
I don’t care. I’m going to see it this weekend in theatres.
He is probably the best part of the movie.
The plotlines for the younger characters are just standard tropes. It’s like they tried to jam every trope in there. Potential love triangle. Risk taker gets someone killed. By the book leader has to learn to loosen up.
I thought this was a bad joke. Turns out, it’s the movie that’s the bad joke.
Just found it. Very nice. I’m definitely going. I’ll be optimistic and buy two tickets.
I haven’t seen any of them in theatres. I’ll be keeping an eye out for this.
Most of them are probably not pedophiles - they get off on the manipulation and power trip. Unfortunately, it’s that it’s easier to victimize children. They’ll victimize adults just as readily, given the opportunity.
Pedophilia is pretty rare. These folks are socio/psychopaths and narcissists - they believe that there is nothing wrong with them.
This is the route I’m probably going to go. Once I’m comfortable getting Graphene set up the way I need to. I do a lot of electronic payments and such so I need to make sure all those will work.
Oh you mean ml?
You should have led with the defenestration. I told myself I wasn’t going to buy any games with this paycheck…sigh unzips wallet
I need to work on my motorcycle. If I am home, I will not be able to sit and watch.
I’ll probably go see it over the weekend. Already watched it twice. Worth another viewing.
To quote Rico from The Penguins of Madagascar: “Kaboom?”