I don’t think I will, mostly cause I work on a team of 1 right now which makes my branches wonderfully simple.
I don’t think I will, mostly cause I work on a team of 1 right now which makes my branches wonderfully simple.
Some parts of it could be useful for cloud engineering
Somehow I’ve made it 7 years without messing up a git command that I couldn’t fix in like 2 seconds. I primarily use vscode’s source controller more featured source controllers like sourcetree feel overly complex and typing out git commands is fine but you spend more time doing that than you would with vscode’s approach. I’m really curious about what you mean by fuck up a commit or push
It does if you don’t let your boss control every waking minute
It makes them an ad agency in entirety. They employ influencers and host the platform to distribute ads. It’s all it becomes after a point
I really like this for technical roles. Or tech companies in general. That said, they don’t have any job descriptions or requirements beyond the API request so it’s not easy to tell what they’re looking for or how qualified you are. Plus there’s no posted salary range
CSS isn’t the problem. Let people write their silly lil queries. JS is a hassle and a half though
I have been writing code professionally for 6ish years now and have no idea what you said
One ping only
Moonlight simplifies the process is all. Or I guess just makes people feel that it’s simplifies.
Nonsteam games, steam games that don’t play nice with remote streaming (like the surge 2), steam games that sometimes don’t stream using direct IP connections
Even artists don’t end up working on art every chance they get though. Most professional artists are just that. It’s the artists who haven’t made it yet that are making art in their off time
Ok but the original point still stands. Coding outside of work and at work is poor work life balance. Even my own projects I do are to learn not solve an actual problem in the world with code.
If they ask for a GitHub but you have a bitbucket send them the repo link to your bitbucket…
Azure CLI and AzPowershell are somehow so powerful and useful until they fall flat on their face.