Mathematically it works out to half the cancer type 2 diabetes and stroke.
Edit: Fixed the disease
Mathematically it works out to half the cancer type 2 diabetes and stroke.
Edit: Fixed the disease
Pros: price
Cons: the watch doesn’t work and now you have lead poisoning
Given that I mostly play heavily-modded games, a run is usually “complete” when it is abandoned due to its inevitable TPS death.
I’m assuming we’re just talking about metal albums, given the community.
Here’s my top 3:
Trees of Eternity - Hour of the Nightingale
Draconian - Under a Godless Veil
Swallow the Sun - When a Shadow is Forced into the Light
Doom and related genres have always been my fave when it comes to metal, but I used to also listen to a lot of thrash and power metal. These days it’s pretty much all stuff that is doom or goth-ish.
Good to know. I’ve only been using Proton for like 4 months now and have thus far generally liked the experience, but that’s too bad about your experiences with the Drive client. I’ve used several paid business suites over the years through work and they all have their issues though. The only one that was generally solid was Google’s and I’ve gradually taken steps to remove their products from my life so there’s no going back to them for me. It was also almost 10 years ago since I last used Google’s paid email/Drive, so maybe it’s also gone to shit.
I’ve actually meant to try that but haven’t yet gotten around to it. I’d still love an official app though, as sometimes 3rd party solutions don’t work great with cloud storage (at least in my experience).
What we’re begging for: A Linux client for Proton Drive
What we get: A fucking Bitcoin wallet
Weird! Thanks for letting me know. I guess that’s what I get for using an app (Sync) that the developer abandons for months at a time.
Edit: No idea what’s up with the formatting. In my app this shows as step 5 but it seems to render as step 1. Is the Lemmy DB done in CSS?
That’s a very good question as it sure doesn’t feel like misinformation has declined much in this timespan. My guess would be that the traffic is finding its way to smaller websites, like those used in astroturfing campaigns, though the article speculates that Facebook’s algorithm changes may have lessened the flow of traffic to rightwing sites, and I’d guess that’d include these one-offs. Maybe X is picking up the slack there? They’ve certainly gotten fully unhinged and pandering to this crowd.
Could YouTube be another possibility? I think the algorithm is going strong there in favor of extremist content. My disabled dad, for example, spends his days jumping between watching shows like Cops, and watching YouTube videos of sovereign-citizen types harrassing cops. That’s mixed in with all the other garbage his algorithm throws at him. Over the years he’s gone from economically centre-left to fully buying into the Trump bandwagon (and we’re not even American).
Whatever the answer, I think people are still getting this info from somewhere and apparently in droves.
Yeah, it’s a bit of a guilty pleasure of mine.
Hey now, AI transformed him into a tool who goes onstage to talk about AI. That’s transformative.
Don’t worry - there’s a documentary about when this happened last time. We can fix it again.
Absolute poetry:
I know you want to be the next Steve Jobs, and this requires you to get on stages and talk about your innovative prowess, but none of this will allow you to pull off a turtle neck, and even if it did, you would need to replace your sweaters with fullplate to survive my onslaught.
Given their infamous quality issues, robot guessing at building a car sounds about right.
Presumably because we let them by continuing to use their products. It’s definitely bullshit though - every time I log into a site I managed my dashboard is littered with notification banners. Most are legit notifications (albeit there should be a proper log for that), but the actual ads for plugins are maddening.
Right? I’m tired of my admin dashboard being a wall of plugin advertisements (especially from plugins I already pay for).
Ooooooo. I haven’t listened to this in years, but it was a staple in my early 20s. I think I’ll be taking this album for a spin this week.
I mostly listen to death-doom rather than strict death metal, but there’s a fair bit of that out there. My two faves in the genre:
Draconian has clean female vocals alongside growled male.
Swallow the Sun has a wide range of vocal styles, but getting increasingly cleaner pretty much every album (along with clean female vocals on a lot of tracks).
Again, this is death-doom so a lot of the stuff will be a little slower-tempo than straight death.