I’m no doctor, but have you eaten anything salty recently? Salt might help keep the water inside for a longer time. (pls note that this is a speculation, so do your research)
no thoughts, only froggo
I’m no doctor, but have you eaten anything salty recently? Salt might help keep the water inside for a longer time. (pls note that this is a speculation, so do your research)
Probably a lot of the guillotine talk you see around here.
Shut uppppp. I live in a building that has a lot of immigrants (mostly students) and we get along just fine. That “oh I’m not racist, different cultures just can’t fit together” argument is bullshit, and even if people from different cultures don’t get along too well, it’s still better than them being outside when it’s -20 degrees.
As a Finn, please stop talking about us as some kind of utopia. We haven’t solved shit and our government is infested with fascists. I’m preeetty sure there are a lot more than that out there, unless a quarter of those 1000 happen to be around my morning commute.
that ‘innocent man’ killed thousands of people for profit. Fuck off with your Disney cartoon ass morality.
How am I not even slightly suprised by this?
That happens all the time, it’s always purely an accident, trust me bro.
Isn’t that more like a ritual? I mean, I don’t think those people really enjoy the pain itself.
I love how fish have such weird faces!
I went to the zoo today! Didn’t get very good quality pics, but putting them here anyway.
Cereal. I thought I had lactose intolerance once and switched to lactose-free milk, but the farts didn’t stop.
Good reply. I’d also note that the working class sadly tends to have less education, which is very useful because it has made common people easier to control and lie to since the dawn of time.
Suprisingly not, but I do dutch oven myself a lot.
I burp every now and then and I think my amount of burps is pretty normal. (though idk how often the average person burps)
Nope, my farts are free to go all day. (well, almost all day)
My best guess is that now that people have fucked around, they’ll soon find out. I believe a better world will eventually come into existence, but the transition is going to be slow, painful, and horrible for all of us.
From what I know, most American-made items are manufactured with “prison labor” which is an euphemism for slavery.
No tyrant has ever been defeated by asking nicely.
Solstice sure as hell isn’t the first day of winter of all of us, we got first snow on October or November.