Yyyyeeaaah me neither
Yyyyeeaaah me neither
I bet that the particular universe where Phil dies just collapses on itself, killing everyone in the process. Thankfully so far there’s always been at least one universe with a Phil that doexn’t die
Can I book you for parties? You’d be a great hit
Boy, the kompromat Russians have on Trump must really be something for him to say things like this this out loud. I wonder if the Chinese have something on him too?
Oh yeah that’s generally true, but something like calling a person fat just sounds like someone’s being an asshole and then when they get called out they turn it into your problem for being “too sensitive” because it was “just a joke” – ie. continuing to be an asshole
Truly a utility that we have all been waiting for without even knowing it.
Oh man my friend is going to shit a (happy) brick if people actually involved with the ISS end up seeing this.
I let them know! They’re pretty tickled that it’s clearly given people a chuckle.
It’s a ridiculous app which makes it so funny, but it’s also kinda cool that it’s possible to bang out an app that actually streams the real time status of a fucking space station’s toilets in an afternoon. I mean what the hell
I was particularly fond of the naming:
Really is isn’t it? A friend made this and forced me to be an alpha tester, and I just had to share.
And the thing is, I think the reality is even worse than that.
Current AI models aren’t going to lead to general AI, we need something radically different. The current “static” neural network models just won’t cut it, we need something like spiking neural networks so the AI can be “on” all the time.
Actual AGI is probably still so far away that I doubt mass-scale industrial society has enough years left before either the climate or some other human-caused idiotic omnifuck kicks the chair away from under it.
Well, could be like Taiwan; never, ever underestimate the human capacity for fucking things up. If there’s one thing humans are exceptionally good at, it’s making the dumbest fucking decisions you can possibly make without being single-celled.
Who knows how the world would have turned out if things had gone in such a different direction.
We meatbags have to be the absolute worst role models for AIs
In the future, computers will do all our art and entertainment for us so we can concentrate on making rich people more money. Yay!
People don’t give precise percentages though when surveyed. They might round to typical fractions like 1/4, 1/3, or they might round to 10 or 20 percent.
Nobody is saying “hmm, I estimate that it would be approximately 37 percent”.
Of course the wisdom of the crowd does wonders for smoothing those coarse estimates, but still, if the crowd is +/- 10 of the real percentage value, I’d say they’re pretty much on the money.
Oh yes absolutely, people would definitely just “eyeball” their estimate and the percentages we see in the graphs are population (well, sample) level averages, but I’d still say that the differences between these average estimates and actual reality are by and large much worse that “on the money”. To illustrate, if the estimate for some country was eg. 30% and the real proportion 40%, the relative error – off by a factor of 1.33 – would be smaller than if the estimate is 12% and the real value 2% – off by a factor of 6 – even though both have a 10 point error.
So eg Poles’ and Argentinians’ estimates are both 12 percentage points off, but because Poland’s immigrant population is smaller that means that they overestimated its real size by 650% and so their estimate was 7.5x higher, but Argentinians were “only” off by 460% / 5.6x. 'Strayans were off by 7 points, but their relative error was only around 23%, which is still almost a 1/4 error and their estimate looks like it was the best out of these. The average global error was 100%, so on average people think there’s 2x as many immigrants as there actually are, and characterizing that as “pretty much on the money” is, well, maybe a bit generous
Right, but those estimates aren’t 10% off, but closer to at least 10 percentage points off – percent and percentage points are not the same thing.
Even Australia is ~23% off, and eg. Germany is 42% off, the US is 120% off, UK is 57% off, and eg. Poland is a whopping 650% off
Thank you ❤️
Yeah the colors are all there, the buildings in that area have a sort of copper-like cladding on them so they’re pretty funky just by themselves, and people really seem to like wild room lighting. I actually just realized I never did an sRGB conversion of this so I don’t know how it looks on most monitors.
Here’s the original unedited version:
Just looks a bit more subdued compared to how vividly orange everything there is when using the Mark I Eyeballs
Aw, thanks ❤️ No I’m not, haven’t really done all that much photography lately, let alone with a DSLR (lost the charger when I last moved a couple of years ago and never got around to getting a new one, I’ve had… other concerns)
“Your parents are going to die one day, kids, and so are you! Now who wants cake?!”