Most tubular brah
Most tubular brah
Good god, Hues and Cues almost brought my family to blows
My mom’s been trying to make us a board game family for over 30 years and she still hasn’t succeeded, lol
I have today off, and no obligations to anyone or anything. The world is my oyster, friend. So y’know, pretty good. It’s still early morning my time zone (stupid internal clock set for AM shifts) so I’m just snuggling with the cat and putzing around on my phone before I get up.
My only complaint today is that my coffee grinder finally died last week so I’ll have to resort to the pre-ground for my coffee when I do get up in a bit. I’m not a coffee snob by any means but you can totally taste the difference, so I might get a little crazy today and add some oat milk or perhaps even sugar. I know, I’m a wild man.
You’re not an English speaking troll yourself, “shortest hanging fruit” headass
You couldn’t even keep your lunatic sentence structure and shit up for two whole comments? They breed the trolls weak these days, man
No one is grading your troll post on word count my guy
Speaking to a few stories my dad’s told me over the years, sometimes you’re just a rural dumbass, have a large thing to get rid of, and want a big splash for your amusement
Came here to say the same. I feel like “indoor shoes” are a lot more rare in places where you have a chance of tracking in snow
“Wolves of Chernobyl” is a song by Municipal Waste, already
but what a way to go, huh? “torn apart by mutant wolves” is a pretty metal death
Where you learn mall karate
Same. I was born five months after they were married. I know I was an accident and that I financially taxed them as a baby. Saying “I regret having you” doesn’t have to mean they regret having you so much as when or how they did. I bet my folks would have liked to wait, lol
“alright now I’m gonna turn around and count to ten, and when I turn back around you boys better have those safeties on or I’ll be really upset with all of you”
“anymore” implies that until recently that wasn’t the case
I have a disability as well, and while I am largely able to work I live in terror of taking a turn for the worse and becoming disabled. The costs are horrific and I’m just barely scraping by on what I work my ass off to make.
Sorry, comrade, chronic illness is just ass. Hang in there
nothing short of him not existing anymore
And the thing of it is is that this is exactly accurate. The man could die from anything and there would be a small but not insignificant crowd of people prepared to make him a martyr, claiming it was some “deep state” assassination
I’m calling it now: as soon as some casting is announced or stills shown there’s going to be a massive shriek from chuds over the 1-2 PoC actors portraying Hylians and they’ll pretend they’re actually just mad because lore says Hylians are white or some bullshit
🙄 You bootstrap types coulda been made in a factory for how uniformly dull you come off
Just name your kids after your richest favorite relatives and wait for that sweet sweet inheritance dosh to come your way
Author & Punisher posted on Lemmy? Fuck yeeaahhhhh