I switched to arkenfox since the librewolf package lagged a bit on arch and I didn’t want to build myself. If sites really break bad (usually I can get around it by disabling some ublock settings), I just open a blank firefox profile
I switched to arkenfox since the librewolf package lagged a bit on arch and I didn’t want to build myself. If sites really break bad (usually I can get around it by disabling some ublock settings), I just open a blank firefox profile
There’s also arkenfox or librewolf
Does it matter if someone has integrity if they always do the right thing?
The replacement rate isn’t static. It depends on both how many people exist and how many people are having babies and how many babies they’re having. If the total number of babies per year stays constant, then whether it’s below or above the replacement rate depends on the size of the population. So for a hyper simplified example, if 100 babies are born per yer, that’s below replacement for a population of 110, but above replacement for a population of 90, but overall the population size will trend towards 100. Obviously real life is way more complicated, but even if the birth rate is low now, it’s far more likely we’re just moving towards a different population size, not a population of zero
Depends on the person, why they’re using it, how often they use it, whether they’re addicted to it or not etc. Probably more acceptable within AA than NA, but idk.
I would’ve preferred tab groups like vanadium/chrome has, but this is ok too
If people who hunt with population control as the excuse were logically consistent then they’d say yes
I was trying to “yes, and” that comment 🤷
yeah those get thrown around in my friend group sometimes too. I think “i fucked your parent” jokes are usually made by straight dudes (which there’s a lot to unpack there) though, so it’s more common for them to go for the gender they’re attracted to. Not always tho
I think the person I responded to isn’t wrong, just that it’s not the whole picture. I was/am trying to “yes, and” their comment
I think there’s also a power aspect. Your mom is your parent, someone with some power or status over you, so if someone sleeps with her they’re now on the level of your parents, it implies that you’re no longer equal peers but a step-parent/child relationship
I aspire to move a lot but the day being this active becomes easy will he the day. :)
one of us needs to get more active for brain health 😳
The end of animal agriculture is long overdue
Get a label maker and add a label saying “aquired by killing a nazi” (there’s probably something cooler/nicer than a label, like engraving it, and there’s probably a better way to word it too)
Chickens and turkeys are super smart and friendly. I’ve met a few turkeys rescued from turkey farms and they try to preen you as a sign of affection 😊
even if they weren’t smart or nice, their lives are not ours to take, regardless of how much you like the taste of their flesh
Tree style tabs my friend
I’ve definitely benefitted from it, hearing why sleep, sport, and outside (i already knew about eat well) are so beneficial, with other tips for how to do them more/better, has been genuinely helpful for me. That said I’ve only listened to a few episodes. But the most useful ones imo are the one on dopamine, the one on eye health, and the one on caffeine.
The reason ethical vegans don’t like reductionism is because it’s still fundamentally speciesist. It’s like if someone goes to see a dog fight every week, people get mad at them for supporting animal abuse, so they only go once a month instead. Is it technically better? Yes. Is it still fucked up? Also yes.
Eh, it’s hard for me to respect someones beliefs when they use those beliefs to justify causing harm. And if someone believes that experiencing a good taste in their mouth justifies killing, I don’t respect that at all