I plan on doing the same thing with raw milk. I’ll be eating steaks in no time
I plan on doing the same thing with raw milk. I’ll be eating steaks in no time
Oh well if you don’t believe in free will or self then of course
Well that’s not the definition, so you’re probably not understanding because that’s not what most people mean.
Even so you can’t imagine why someone would want somebody else dead? Why someone would or could feel that way?
Hating a person, to me, is like hating a hurricane or a volcano.
Explain how, please. Because one is uncontrollable nature and the other has free will and chooses to do terrible things.
I’m not asking how you do it. I’m asking how your comparison makes any sense to you? I can understand not getting upset about things, choosing to, but that doesn’t mean that I don’t find them upsetting.
I dunno, what you’re saying seems ungenuine. you can’t name someone you hate because you don’t think about them?
Maybe you don’t understand what hate means. It doesn’t mean you’re obsessed with disliking them, it means intense dislike.
It doesn’t mean you spend time thinking about them. I hate(d) certain people in my life and if I was forced into a room with them I’d feel that feeling of intense dislike, but otherwise I don’t think about them. But I won’t pretend I don’t hate anyone just because I’m not actively discussing or thinking/feeling my feelings about that person
There’s a saying in therapy “if you’re mad now just wait until your wife cheats on you”
No wait, that’s also just made up.
Reading is hard, huh buddy?
Didn’t even make it to the first line of the second paragraph, huh?
Says terrible actor who wouldn’t know a good script
So your question is “does anyone else not like racism?”
You’re really toeing the no such thing as a stupid question line
Well fucking duh. You’re soapboxing an obvious point.
The problem is not everyone thinks like you. What’s your question or your point??
“If we give everyone food no one would be hungry, does no one else realize this other than me?”
Which I don’t get because they’re all about rape as a jail punishment
No it’s not
Learn to read, bigot
Please don’t make me pull out the quote by that Greek philosopher talking about kids these days
it’s year
Yeah so it’s the same as it’s ever been
All those Islamic school shooters
Because no one likes Java.
That’s the joke