The Ramones were a boy band. Matching outfits and everything.
I am against animal agriculture for the same reason I am against sexism, racism, ableism, classism and homophobia.
The circumstances of a creatures birth does not dictate what it is “meant for”, every one deserves to live happy, healthily and with dignity, but some simply want to live.
The Ramones were a boy band. Matching outfits and everything.
Even if they’re taking mtf hormones, there’s still a ton of testorone.
This is factually wrong.
I see a lot of mostly correct answers here, but as a trans person myself I can’t help but feel they are all missing the core concept.
People hate trans folk for the same reason “get back in the kitchen” is still said to women in any non-“traditional” role or the “angry black man/woman” is said about anyone advocating for their own rights. There are strict gender and racial roles that are enforced by our society so rigidly, that many have assumed them to be naturally correct laws of the universe. Anyone existing outside of those roles is seen as either mental illness to be corrected or malicious evil-doers wanting to cause trouble.
When in fact the reality is much simpler, that being human is a more diverse expressive and dynamic experience than those holding on to those “natural laws” would like to admit. To exist outside the role you were “assigned” is a threat to society that assigns the roles, ergo a threat to the very way of life for those who see gender, sexual and racial hegemony as innate truths.
Conservatives who hold high tradition are naturally the first to speak out and seek to regulate us back in to “normal society” via legislation but liberals are absolutely not immune. To reduce transphobia to a political wedge issue, while correct, doesn’t quite explain the more innocuous yet quite prevalent transphobia inside left leaning spaces.
I don’t want you to feel like you’re getting it from all sides but…
I apologize if I insinuated that all gamers are guilty of this kind of behavior, that was not my intention at all
You really gotta ignore those “not all gamers” type of posters. They are literally adding nothing to the conversation. If you are a normal person who doesn’t harass women only, then you should also be a normal person who doesn’t take offense when the community as a whole is criticized.
Does a performative obviously bullshit apology after he specifically set out to rub baby oil all over “comfort women” statues. Just like he did in Japan where he apologized, promised to stop streaming, left the country, deleted the apology, immediately went back to being an ass.
Turbo fuck him.
(as is most biologists) that we are omnivores.
No vegans dispute this. In fact that is a large reason we point that meat is not a necessity to a healthy diet like many claim.
But fundamentally I’m not here to talk about veganism. You are entitled to your own beliefs, I only wanted to provide a complete answer to the “hypocritical vegans” comment that appears in every thread paints feeling pain. While I personally think deciding that things are most “humane” when they are “efficient” for you regardless of the effect it has on others is selfish and motivated reasoning, thus unethical. But this thread nor community is a place to discuss ethics, I clearly illuminated why equating plant rights and animal rights is silly, so frankly I would just like to end the discussion there. Thanks.
If you think pigs, chickens and cows have the same level of awareness and perception as broccoli, tomatoes or potatoes than you’re the potato.
Humans have to eat and with the exception of a few minerals like salt, everything edible to humans is alive on some level. Vegansisn is making an ethical choice about reducing what causes the most pain fear and suffering in another. If I were to develop cancer, a tape worm or a virus should I also allow those living things to thrive as well or does “Uh, now what?” also apply to antibiotics?
Mafia and Goverment are the same thing at different scales, social order established from a central unit that enforces their will via violence funded by protection money/taxes Just as “cults” eventually become religion at a critical mass, then your fringe beliefs become legitimate church doctrine.
All the rules of the world are made up and only apply if enough people say and act as they apply. Justice is a point of view, not a inherent truth.
Maybe. Who am I to judge?
Well this is genuinely heart warming. Sounds super cute and definitely something they will look back on fondly when they are older.
Can’t hurt.
However I don’t really care what Republican leaders say at all, hopefully Republican voters do.
True Incognito mode is a myth, it only stops keeping a history in the tab of that browser. Everytime you use a browser to go to any site ever, the browser logs you went there. So does your ISP and the site your connecting to. No matter which mode or browser you use, if you go to Google, then Google knows you went there and logs your searches.
The closest you can come to browsing the web anonymously would be with a mix of dedicated privacy OS like Tails and either a VPN or Tor as a middile man, but that assumes those proxys are not corrupted. Free VPNs make money by selling your “secret browsing” habits.
The internet is nothing more than wires, if you connect your wire to someone elses, every intermediatary knows.
There is a pretty decent chance I saw that on the day it was posted. I feel old. 😔
As someone with mobility problems, honestly. I think one could finish me.
Okie dokie. Didn’t really think so, but it’s by far the best app I have used with essentially no pay well so I figure I’d mention it for anyone else who sees this thread.
Well, I know this won’t be useful for a lot of people. But HER is a femme focused app (but open to all queer folk) that is super duper generious with the amount matches and chat it allows.
I give the redbox a passing glance as I leave the grocery store to see which movies I should pirate. Rarely do I see something worth the effort.
My first viewing I did mostly take it at face value. But in my defense, I was a dumb 11 year old kid. It wasn’t until Neil Patrick Haris came out in full SS uniform that I started asking questions.
I agree with her final take.
$6,000 plus for two day down to the minute itinerary app based experince? Hell no. Sounds expensive and exhausting.
$400 bucks for a dinner for two with drinks, a floor show and a ton of cool photo ops? Well that’s something I would consider for a fun date night if I lived in the area.
Please do not listen to anyone saying you can fix your eye sight by praticing.
There is a whole goddamn subculture of those fraudster monsters.