• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 25th, 2023


  • I agree that some people like you may not be fit for the current way of doing things in terms of job research. But you have to remember that being socially able is also a very important part of the job at most companies, because very rare are the cases where you don’t work as part of a team. I would even say communication is a bigger part of the job compared to the actual brute skill for most companies. You can always learn or perfect a new programming language or platform, it’s a matter of reading. Soft skills like social abilities cant really be learned, and so this is why a lot of companies actually choose people who they think will fit in a team rather that who will close the most issues

  • Every time I use python it makes me want to throw my computer through my window. Doesn’t happen with other languages. Pip fucking sucks it seems like every time I want to install dependencies for a project there is one that throws a compilation error when installing it. Like, why does it not try to download the version of the package that works with my version of python?? It doesn’t even tell me why it failed!!!

  • I will go against the tide here and welcome this change. The web is powered by advertising and tracking. It will happen whether Mozilla is part of it or not. In that case, I would much rather have a website using a Mozilla advertising service that is more ethical and respects the user more than the ones from big tech. It’s a lesser of two evils and I support this. I would of course rather have no ads at all but we don’t live in a fairy tale world and evil companies exist. And like most ads currently in Firefox, I fully trust we will be able to disable them easily, just like we can right now.

    I think this is a good thing that Mozilla is finally trying to distance itself from Google’s money because it ensures that maintaining the nonprofit is more sustainable

  • I think I am basically 95% bilingual, my native language is not English, but it was thought in school from first grade (age 5 or 6) all the way to high school (17 years old), and then in post-highschool education, I also had 2 mandatory English courses. The thing is having learned so early is I was too young to realize when I could start entertaining a conversation in English without thinking because it was almost always like that for me.

    I do think though that when you can think in your 2nd language without having to mentally translate in your head to your native language is when you’ve reached a level of fluency that is good enough to be called bilingual. I would probably say, if you can understand jokes and plays on words in your second language, that’s probably a good indicator that you are fluent

  • The pixels from 6 to 8 use an optical fingerprint scanner, and optical scanners almost universally suck, because they use a tiny camera to see your finger through the display on your phone. Most phones including the pixel 9’s include an ultrasonic fingerprint scanner, which is more reliable, faster, doesn’t flashbang you in the dark, and has the potential to be much bigger (think lower half of the phone is the fingerprint scanner).

    I haven’t had trouble with under display fingerprint scanners since I had my S23 (ultrasonjc), but my previous has an optical one and it was the worst thing I’d used.