My advice is work out where you draw the line, and don’t cross it.
I’m gonna be honest- if you’re buying games through Steam, you’re already giving money to a deeply unethical firm: Valve. Valve takes a 30% cut of all transactions on Steam. Valve is also the studio that introduced lootboxes and similarly predatory microtransactions to the western market, and continues to profit from them to this day.
Where I draw the line is when a studio drops below the already low bar set by the industry. When a studio sexually harasses an employee to the point of suicide. When most of the game’s development cycle is pure crunch. When a studio puts predatory microtransactions into a singleplayer game.
I also draw the line when a game (or any other work of media, for that matter) is directly giving money to bigoted scumbags. If a studio employs bigoted scumbags, that person is getting paid whether or not I buy the game. But if a studio is making a game based on the IP of a bigoted scumbag, they’re getting a cut of each sale. When a copy of that game is brought, they’re getting a bit of money they wouldn’t have got if the game wasn’t brought.
I’m cautiously excited. Because if they do pull it off, it’s gonna be great. But just keep in mind that Cyberpunk 2077 looked like “the Cyberpunk 2077 CDPR pitched from the start” in the trailers. Until reviewers get their hands on copies, take everything with a pinch of salt.