Yup, for a solo project that you don’t want to share I would even argue that a forge is close to pointless.
Any ssh remote will work as a backup, you can run the ci/cd task on your own computer just fine (very likely faster even), you obviously don’t need to send PR and request code review to yourself and if a TODO.md isn’t enough to keep track of tasks there’s a billions lightweight task/note tracker.
I use github because I’m a lazy and it works fine as a backup but I don’t need 99% of the features for my pet projects.
3 minutes test.
Edit: ah ok got it. It does work but not with the same sensitivity, you can scroll down but you need to flick up, most likely because you got screwed by the list of chapters which is most likely also scrollable (my list isn’t long enough to require scroll so I can’t test that). Anyway, I stand by my previous note: “opposite actions” and flick up is not the opposite of scroll down.
Promising beginning though.