If you want any change in this, you should formally express your concern using A2A missiles. If they protest, formally deny it. This is what they do after all, isn’t it?
If you want any change in this, you should formally express your concern using A2A missiles. If they protest, formally deny it. This is what they do after all, isn’t it?
How does GDPR mandate a public audit of the code base? Is there such a provision in it? (Not a confrontational question)
There are two disturbing tendencies being demonstrated here:
These companies need a few high profile hefty penalties as a motivation to avoid such dirty tricks.
You wrote a compiler?
The result is still the same, isn’t it? (in language you like vs in language you’re forced to use)
I don’t like the monarchy either. But I assume you haven’t seen anyone suffer from cancer. If you did, it’s a misery you won’t wish on your worst enemies.
What do you mean anything better? This is what conservative politicians everywhere do when they have nothing to show for progress. They inflame religious tensions and exploit the resulting emotions - especially the hatred and the feeling of betrayal to win elections. The real sad part is that those emotions linger far longer than their intended consequence. People will die.
Imagine having your life cut short and sent back to your family in a coffin to cause them immeasurable grief. All that for what? To satisfy the ego and greed of a tyrant who doesn’t give 2 shillings worth of value to your life or your family’s welfare? This is why nations glorify soldiers and wars. Sometimes, they’re necessary to defend peace and the rule of law of the land. But most often, it’s to gaslight young people to become worthless pawns in the ego trip of some pathologically narcissistic and sociopathic individuals. Be wary of the charlatans who sell nationalism and praise soldiers - they’re scheming cowards looking for ways to avoid the same. Despite what they teach you, nationalism and honor are just tools to control you.
It doesn’t matter how much you insult him. He and his ilk will never get it. Their entire families are born with a genetic defect that makes them incapable of having or understanding empathy.
There’s a mythical story (Greek or Roman) where a goddess managed to get her human lover an eternal life, but forgot to ask for eternal youth. This oversight led to the horror where he watched his beautiful young lover from afar while he lost all grace, prominence and influence while withering away into an eternal life of suffering.
Honestly, that is what this old goat deserved. Not the peaceful death that he got.
I don’t think you understand the psychology of sociopaths like him. They care neither for anyone’s suffering nor for anyone’s opinion about them. They care only for the pleasure they derive from the pain they inflict. He probably spent his last waking hours reminiscing over the glory days of the massacres he started.
The world would have been a better place if somebody had made a better decision 101 years ago.
And the cherry on top is the Nobel ‘peace’ prize.
If you didn’t read the article, the biggest source of smoke there is the burning of rice stubble in the neighboring state to prepare the fields for the next crop. The framers have repeatedly ignored all pleases over the years to avoid this.
This is exactly why I hate organized religion. Want to believe in God? That’s your concern. But don’t come to me peddling your sky daddy.
I feel sorry for all the innocent Palestinians caught in between. And I hope that the bloody Hamas and their barbaric supporters are satisfied in getting their innocent compatriots massacred.
I’m not familiar with the story. Are you saying that she was paraded after her death?
Edit: Nevermind. I saw the video just now. I’m at a loss for words to describe people who do this to innocent civilians.
Don’t overthink it. Just publish. And as for entitled users, remember that you don’t owe them. If anyone insists on a feature, tell them that you can prioritize them for the right fee.
You want the next generation to suffer as well? Never mind! It’s Britain’s headache now.
They diverted the funding for AI? AI is already a way for rich crooks to steal and make money off public information, if not an outright hype that grifters employ to attract funding for their devious pursuits. None of this is AI’s fault. But politicians should understand the type of people they are funding, instead of ignorantly falling for buzzwords.