I’m planning to use mine on my 40th birthday. It should make for a really special day.
I’m planning to use mine on my 40th birthday. It should make for a really special day.
Bald Jordan Peterson? You have to admit he’d be loathsome…
Joe Rogan?
Amber Ruffin as Jane Bond confirmed?
Also fun to blow random things around the house until someone gets mad.
Hey, this guy knows my ex-wife. tugs collar
Windirstat is way, way, way slower. WizTree scans my entire drive in literal seconds.
Fuckers. Bastards. Cocksuckers. It’s like manifesto Mad Libs!
If the feds don’t get you, Nintendo’s legal team will.
Look up WizTree for a quick way to see/fix what’s taking up your space.
Total aside: anyone else noticing sports gambling absolutely exploding in the U.S. the last few years? It’s gonna be a problem, guaranteed.
Pretty sure he was being sarcastic.
It’s not just the storyline–it’s that she’s gone so hard into plastic surgery in addition to the storyline. That makes it feel like she’s in denial and not handling aging super well, which is understandable. But this whole thing would come across differently if it were, for example, Jodie Foster. Or Kathy Bates. Maybe not the best examples.
Trump made considerable progress gutting the federal government his first term. Biden did not undo much of that. Courts. USPS. Environmental and scientific agencies. Also state and local level stuff. There are a lot of examples. If literal criminal convictions, treason, the federal court system (which he helped rig), etc…have not been successful until now, why would they suddenly become effective?
Would you smash that like button? Dare I say it, subscribe!?
Some innocent Bavarian farm woman is currently being arrested thanks to you two. As if she didn’t have it hard enough.
Does it mostly happen to you during full moons?
Prop me up beside the jukebox.
These awful headlines are just a tiny sample of the clusterfuck to come.
Unfortunately, that really is the answer for me. Psychedelics made it all finally click in a way that stuck. I had previously seen marginal success in dieting, but could never keep it off. Because I was coming from a religious background, part of it was, “What’s the point?” Sex is wrong. I married young. Life sucks. And so on. Psychedelics made all of the percolating doubts and insecurities click into place in a clear way. “I’m NOT really religious; I don’t believe it. I’m not raising my kids that way. No third-party is going to step-in and change my body for me. Nobody is going to put the weights in my hand and check my progress. I have to take care of me. I either have to take action or shut up and live with the consequences. I’d really prefer to live a life where I’m more desirable and it’s not really anyone else’s fault if I’m not putting in enough effort and ‘losing the mating game.’” And so on–can’t really characterize a trip like that with words obviously.
I might have/probably would have eventually gotten there without psychedelics? I think? Maybe? I don’t know. But they certainly provided the swift kick in the ass I needed to clarify years of baggage. I know it’s not helpful to say “give your child psychedelics,” but it just happens to be what helped me (specifically, one instance of using shrooms was the most-impactful, I mostly only ever microdosed a few times besides that one trip).
I have a long-time close friend who has long struggled with weight in a serious way. He briefly lost it and suddenly he was dating a beautiful Ukrainian girl, seeing the benefits of being healthy, loving life. That was a long time ago, it ended, he gained it all back. The closest I’ve come to getting through to him is to be a bit more crass than I normally would be in saying, “REMEMBER HOW GOOD IT WAS TO BE WITH THAT GIRL!? DON’T YOU MISS THAT AND WANT IT BACK? ISN’T THAT WORTH A FEW MONTHS OF WORK?” But being a bit more pointed in my language. But again, you’re probably not going to say, “Don’t you miss that good pussy!?” to your son, so…I’m kind of useless to you, maybe.
But first the pain of delivery.