• 38 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 9th, 2023


  • I choose to abstract and never attack anyone, while you insult, and make assumptions about my disposition going as far as assigning them an ideology and framework that seems repugnant and baseless to me. I see and feel lots of projection and bias, but if causing a disabled person in social isolation harm makes you feel better, I’m glad you had a better day. The comments seem so randomly unrelated it feels like you are possibly a misinformation agent of some sort.

  • Male loneliness is likely partially due to the same reason we are all here; this online outlet for social endorphins is why you were not building up a deficit over the last week and felt the motivation to finally call that person you were thinking about this whole time. That person was a passing thought, and the endorphins hit you might have received is ultimately less than you got from the austere but consistent dose you get from social engagement online.

    The only problem is that you are not creating a meaningful personal social network in real life. When you really need such a network in practice, you face the reality of no one to turn to, or less depth and meaning to such connections. Real people are also complex and you must face the reality that no one fits your echo chamber bubble like a place like this. If you act like a down vote or stupid hot take comes across here to people in the real world… you find yourself back here with less options in the future.

  • Not sure if it is technically correct, but I think of it like the momentum of Earth’s atmosphere. It takes a lot of momentum to alter the system. The days getting a little longer by a few minutes depending on latitude makes little difference. We are still dropping in average temps the further towards the poles.

    Riding a bicycle everywhere for years in Southern California, this was something I would think about a lot on the commutes in the dark of winter, and the wind and rain patterns. Like here, I know if it will rain based on the wind direction alone. I only check the weather when I’m too lazy to go outside or something odd is happening. After the solstice there seems to be more turbulence that is added to the system. There is more of a back and forth between on an off shore flow patterns. It is our rainy season here, and we have nights get around 10°F cooler. This is when I break out my 40°F layers. On a bike, everything is still skin tight. I can shed some layers but don’t like to stop to do that. I have specialty gear for every 10°F of temperature drop. If I wear 40-50°F gear in 50-60°F temps, I will sweat like crazy and then freeze from being wet. I wear my coldest gear a lot less than I did 15 years ago, but I still haven’t needed it this year. I will in the months to come.

    Most people are not connected to the weather and outside world very directly like this in the West. In my experience, the solstice marks the low point where I have around 6 weeks until things start getting better.

  • Anybody else always take these numbers and divide by 100k for a very rough overestimate of what kinds of Western labor an amount is capable of?

    Essentially, this is saying 1500 people working together for control over dialogue are capable of reshaping the entire world view. I don’t support genocide, but I can also see calculated, competent, and very capable people. When they put a number on such an objective, it is not some random guess buy. Just 1500 to take the reigns of the collective public mind.

  • j4k3@lemmy.worldtoWorld News@lemmy.mlIsrael Expands Its Occupation in Syria
    18 days ago

    I really think this rhetoric lacks the weight of the big picture. The implications of what is happening on the world stage is a collapsing of the house of cards. Parallels should be drawn between the League of Nations ineptitude and the present reincarnation in the United Nations.

    The article tints as if the UN is somehow an authority when in reality it is just as transient as its predecessor. I believe the UN is primarily useful as a litmus test for the next world war in a similar fashion as its predecessor. When the effectiveness of global diplomacy fails its own established standards, the news is not the failure. The news is the broader implication of world wide conflict.

    We also keep talking about the problems of climate change. Yet we seem to forget, in the past, food and resources were far less plentiful. When governments failed to secure the basic necessities, they used war to either secure the resources required or reduce the mouths they had to feed. A win or a loss still achieved a solution to the population problem. No science or engineering were required for a government that is only concerned with the simplest solution. The elite have never had ethics, and have never cared. The only ways they change are when it places their longevity at risk. A world war on an unprecedented scale is the solution that they have decided. All of the subtle details point to this inevitable eventuality. Likely, half of us won’t see 2030. This is what the irrelevance of the UN really means.

  • A tablet is mostly battery. If you can take it apart, do so and just bend it back in place.

    Inside of most lithium batteries, it is basically a long set of ribbons that form a stack. They are wet like a clay and kinda oily (but still contained) on a ribbon like paper that is the width of the battery case/pocket. Then there are some layers of thin plastic that insulate the lithium ribbon.

    It is not impossible that damage could occur to the center of a cell, but it is less likely unless the dent is sharp. The primary place that a cell gets damaged and where it causes problems is in the ends of the roll. If the end of the roll gets mashed, it is much more likely that layers can shorted out.

    The thing to keep in mind is that something like a gasoline powered car uses a fuel mix of around 14 parts of air to 1 part of fuel. That means the atmosphere of Earth is providing a lot of your fuel requirements and it makes gasoline effectively like a super dense energy source. A lithium battery is proving all of the total energy in a single container. You don’t get to remove oxygen from the equation if things go south. You need a way to contain the situation if things go wrong.

    Over discharging reduces the life and maybe some capacity, but the main issue is if it will charge at all. Most lithium batteries have a specification for charging them from fully discharged, but not all charge controllers implement the circuit block that is required. All lithium chargers (should) have a duel mode where it is current limited then voltage limited. The fully discharged state requires a very low current trickle charge until the cell hits a certain voltage before raising the current.

    The main concern is localized thermal run away. If it starts getting unusually hot or expanding, you’re likely in trouble.

    I’ve built robots and cat toys with lithium batteries and things like battle bots have them too. If you’re always supervising and have a container and a plan if things go wrong, you can be fine. What you can’t do is charge overnight or leave it unsupervised at all.

  • j4k3@lemmy.worldtoNo Stupid Questions@lemmy.world[Deleted]
    23 days ago

    Radio is light at a different frequency, because transparency is weird.

    It breaks everything if an electron can’t change levels and release a photon. Randomly picking one fixated target… fusing hydrogen into helium no longer emits photons and without light pressure to counteract gravity the Sun goes straight to something like a tiny white dwarf.

    You can’t really say photons only go pow at X frequency and not Y or Z. Photon don’t care how you spank it into action. High energy, low energy; photon just wants to fly at the speed of causality.

  • j4k3@lemmy.worldtoscience@lemmy.worldScientifically sound YouTube channels
    25 days ago

    Geology hub (inactive/amateur/recent vulcanologist)

    Shawn Willsey (professor of geology)

    Sabine Hossenfelder (inactive physicist)

    Two Minute Papers (active AI light researcher)

    Real Science (dunno, but cites proper sources)

    Fraser Cain (Masters, astronomy news and media)

    Arvin Ash (Mechanical Engineering/ claims life long learner and posts physics content with sources)

    7 Days of Science (few kids presently in Uni with VERY bright futures in paleontology reporting on papers and discoveries)

    Ben G Thomas (principal Uni kid of 7DoS and apparent future paleontologist)

    DJ Ware (Masters/Doc? In CS? and a former Bell Labs guy)

    Curious Marc (Masters/Doc? EE? another former Bell Labs guy)

    The Signal Path (Masters/Doc? EE, Grand Master of the dark arts of high frequency and radio, currently at Bell Labs)

    Scott Manley (Masters/Doc? inactive astronomer, rocket nerd)

    Dr. Becky (Professor of astronomy)

    Stewart Hicks (Professor of Architecture)

    Anything from Hank Green (SciShow) or from Brady Haron (Computerphile, Deep Sky Videos, Periodic Videos, Objectivity)

    The Thought Emporium (Masters/Doc? in organic chemistry)

    Breaking Taps (Professor of applied science)

    Mathias Wandel (EE and former lead engineer from Blackberry)

    Stuff Made Here (lead engineer from Form Labs)

    Economics Explained (Professor of Economics)

    Cool Worlds (Professor of Astronomy, a leading researcher for exo-moons)

    Dr. Ben Miles (Physicist, head of a venture capital firm)

    Stephen Milo (Masters/Doc? in archeology)

    Practical Engineering (Civil Engineer)

    Andreas Spies (retired EE and best source for hobby electronics and Arduino type stuff)

    EEVBlog (EE)

    Ben Eater (Professor of CS)

    Hexibase (audio engineer)

    Huygens Optics (Retired Professor? Hints like he worked at ASML. The principal optics YouTuber)

    Nile Red (Chemist)

    Prompt Engineering (CS, applied AI, active dev)

    Robert Miles (Doctorate, AI alignment researcher)

    Tech Ingredients (Applied Science)

    Yannic Kilcher (Doctorate, AI researcher for Meta and probably the most advanced present researcher posting content directly)

    Applied Science (Doc of Applied Science, magnetics specialist)

    Others I watch were already mentioned like Anton Petrov, Nick Zentner, etc.

  • Some people just don’t handle abstraction very well. You should probably see someone yourself. I’ve had extensive assessments from the near death injuries that physically disabled me, far more than anything the average person ever goes through. I’m well above average in every respect. I never make toxic nonsense insulting responses to people either. I do however block anyone that creates them.

  • I think his ambitions are bigger than anyone realizes right now. Buying the USA is not big enough. The titles don’t matter. Subverting fascists is easier. I think he’s looking to make a really big mark on history, like the half dozen names everyone knows. I honestly think he is going for an m-type astroid. The Isaacman move hints at that one specifically, along with a real reason for Starship when a Falcon Heavy is so capable and ahead of anyone else. The industrial capability of Tesla, batteries, small scale boring machinery, AI robotics, solar, those are all of the elements one needs to access and recover an m-type astroid. Gravitational differentiation of heavy elements is the primary cause of resource scarcity on a planetary surface. Any differentiated body has vast elemental wealth in its core. M-type asteroids are from differentiated planetesimal cores. One such object can have more wealth than the entire world combined. Accessing that wealth would buy the world. Flag planting and bases on the moon are silly nonsense, accessing an m-type closes a chapter and starts a new human epic. I’m not a fan of the guy. This is potentially civ ending level instability. It is probably speculative nonsense, but objectively disconnected logic with skepticism… the dots are lining up in an unusual way… Japan has already done a lot of the prospecting and required missions. The Dart mission showed how two body interactions will alter near earth objects as much as they did anything for proving planetary defense…