"They’ve got me waiting on a day when we can say ‘fuck the police!’ with a little bit of integrity,

When it’ll mean: ‘I’ve got your back if you’ve got mine!’"

  • 13 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 7th, 2023


  • A long, long time ago I was helping out on a renegade pot farm in the mountains of northern California. It was the farmer’s first year growing on the property and as such, he had no amenities at all for the few of us that came down to help.

    The shitter was literally just a 6 foot deep pit with a couple 2x4’s laid across it. Initially, it was the most horrifying thing I had ever seen. I considered dropping the gig, but the pay was much too nice to turn it down. So I sucked it up and made the best of it.

    The farmer did at least have the foresight to position the pit in a spot on his hillside that offered what was likely the best view of the surrounding mountains you could see from anywhere on his property. The first handful of days shitting in that pit was pretty rough, I’m not gonna lie. Especially with the early winter chill rolling in. But after the initial shock of it wore off and I got used to, well, shitting in a pit (as much as one can), I came to actually look forward to it each day. The way the sun crept up behind those ridge lines was just such a spectacular view every morning. The way the trees would sway in the subtle breeze and the misty mountain fog would dance thru the valley below. It became such a magical, meditative moment each morning.

    I hope no one here ever really has to shit in a pit. But if you find yourself in that situation, make you sure you at least dig it somewhere with a spectacular view.

  • I can emphasize empathize with the folks who feel that they’re not being politically represented - having all their rules drawn up by people in the city, several hours away.

    I can also empathize with the folks who feel the cultural divide between them and the city folk has grown too deep.

    What I can’t fathom tho, is how they think they’ll benefit more with being part of Idaho… Idaho’s minimum wage is almost half of what Oregon’s is. Oregon’s city folk make up the lion’s share of the tax base that pays for what little infrastructure eastern/rural Oregon does have. Oregon also has free health insurance for low income folks - Idaho does not. Cannabis legalization in Oregon has brought a ton of jobs to the rural areas, especially on Idaho’s border. Cannabis is still fully illegal in Idaho.

    The only people, it seems, that would really benefit from the border change would be wealthy people that own large amounts of land in rural Oregon due to Idaho’s much less restrictive (or lack of) environmental protections.