I want GDPR export.
Next, GDPR import of the same data (aka, account migration)
I want GDPR export.
Next, GDPR import of the same data (aka, account migration)
“god created man in his likeness”. Oh yeah, did he create aliens in his likeness too?
Depends on what that “likeness” is. What if “God created both man and alien to be bloodthirsty creatures to fight each other”… and the winner gets to fight God live on GodTV. In the meantime, tune in to PlanetaryWars channel this weekend to see a whole civilization annihilate itself!
I know how to program, I also know how to wonder how many instances are running off the docker-compose with publicly exposed postgres… that would make import/export really easy, wouldn’t it? 🙄
Anyway, would you say this isn’t the right place to discuss this stuff?
That’s kind of wrong though, isn’t it? What about stuff like GDPR data exports? Users should be able to export their data, then import it into another instance, effectively migrating instances.
That’s racist.