As a leftist landlord, we mean all of them.
As a leftist landlord, we mean all of them.
yes we know you’re a useful idiot. dont need to keep advertising it.
and thus proving their point. congrats.
You don’t give people who have been murdering journalists, aid workers, and medical personal the benefit of the doubt. you assume and absolve them later if facts don’t substantiate it. this isnt a trial there isn’t an individual being accused. its a state with a history of murdering people like this reporter. you stop associating with them. which is precisely what biden should have done a year ago.
Perhaps, but I’m not the one who stepped on a rake in their blind support for genocidal, anti-worker, corporate hacks because someone had the audacity to call the spade a spade.
If you want warm and fuzzies from people like me stop supporting the genocidal, anti-worker candidates and trying to tell people they’re worth getting out of bed for because they’ll protect your minority group of the month depending on how the wind blows.
the points make themselves. the rest is just for funnies. next time you want to be a arrogant ass make sure you have the chops and moral position to back it up.
I mirror the individual I’m interacting with: remember saying this?
Or the fact you walked into a conversation with me acting like I don’t understand exactly whats going to happen over the next few years as a result of the democrats being completely out of touch with the voting populace and managing to lose to fucking donald trump by being unconscionably disgusting to minority groups with real fucking problems impacting their families and workers struggling to pay their bills.
You see the thing is many of you dweebs disregard is your own obnoxious behaviors in these conversations. In standard form dweebs fail to realize their social graces are trash because most people are too polite to tell them.
No? I’ll simply continue voting for good people (when they run) and telling dweebs like yourself why their candidate is still fucking trash as usual. eventually it’ll sink it. In no way is refusing to support the democratic party due to current behavior a statement about no longer being politically active.
But based on current trends looks like the DNC is probably done nationally unless they actually have a come to jesus moment as a group which based on past behavior is terribly unlikely.
Yes, that’s what you do when the effort required to fix something is more than the effort to replace it. And only thing I need to do to replace the DNC is just let it continue doing its stupid shit and people will continue to abandon it opening the path to other options.
lol, I already took the red pill ages ago. I’m just done exploring the rabbit hole, either people wake up or they dont. I’ll pay just enough attention to know when i need to be there to push but otherwise meh. the DNC and its supporters are just not worth helping anymore.
You really dont. I’ve been expecting this for almost an entire year now. Only way to fix the dems is to toss them in the trash at this point.
not gonna happen. harris supporters still think genociding and massive wealth inequalities are okay. dems have lost my vote nationally until they start supporting labor and stop fucking warmongering.
Echoing depression get to a doctor. If they give you problems you can try a dose of magic mushrooms.
Please see yourself to any election results site for Wisconsin and Michigan, look at the results differential, look at the 3rd party votes, then go back the the primaries and look at the uncommited numbers from the primary.
Source? (Most dont vote)
See yourself to any american census page, find the adult population numbers, then look at the gross voters for this election. Do some basic math and you’ll end up with 25-30% of the voting population voted.
Are you an idiot?
Possibly but you most definitely are. You dont know basic well known facts about demographics of Michigan and Wisconsin, you ask for sources for literally common knowledge facts that are both widely reported and easily confirmed.
And no i didnt claim they were the exact same people you twit. I was pointing out he had relatively similar levels of total support in fucking aggregate. ~72mill.
Biden convinced a lot of swing voters due to COVID.
No, 20 million voters didnt show up this cycle because harris brought nothing to the tablento motivate them. In fact she mainly brought dismotivation via a genocide and lack of economic policies.
Token handle? Like JRR Tolkien? Did you have a stroke?
No, its the other person who responded to your absolutely trash of a post with a link to some polls.
Okay we’re done here. Nothing productive will be had with furthering a conversation with someone as uninformed, and in lacking basic reasoning skills as yourself.
In no way am I downplaying the religious fanatic dangers.
Imagine thinking someone needs to cave on not being genocidal. Jesus fucking christ.
Most Americans support the guy who wants to impose Muslim travel bans.
Sigh. You didnt do well in math did you? Tell me where did the 20 million votes for biden last time go? Trumps numbers are unchanged. Oh right, they didnt show up. 🤔
Never mind the fucking fact most adults dont vote. So no most Americans dont support trump. They just dont think either party is worth their emotional energy. Good job democrats! 🤔
And token handle the rest of your nonsense with the polling numbers.
Your words not mine. You failed to convince 20 million people with that argument, harris failed to convince 20 million people to show up using it after blowing a billion dollars.
Harris lost 25 electoral points in two states out of the fucking gate using it.
Harris lost more for completely fucking ignoring the problems working Americans are feeling at home. A minor tax break after food has shot up 20-30% in four years? Fuck off.
She fucking managed to lose every swing state using it.
At what point do you fucking realize how absolutely fucking stupid of a play that reasoning is?
I dont need to argue this point anymore. You want answers look internally. Not to me, Ive spent the last year trying to get you deeebs to course correct. You failed to do so and as result you’ve earned trump.
OP is going to get so rekt’d.