Yeah it usually downloads sync’d stuff to Internal Storage/Android/media/com.nextcloud.client
Yeah it usually downloads sync’d stuff to Internal Storage/Android/media/com.nextcloud.client
I don’t have an answer for you unfortunately but I gotta say thanks for mentioning LosslessCut. I’ve been using video-trimmer for quickly clipping stuff from long videos and it’s had a lot of issues for me, no idea how losslesscut slipped past my radar. Gonna give it a try when i get home :D
I’m not here to debate you on how the great firewall compares to what other countries do, I wasn’t saying anything like that
The part I was pointing out is that it’s hypocritical, in my opinion, for a government (China) to act like there’s some injustice being done to them by countries like the USA putting sanctions on them when they are currently voluntarily cutting their population off from the world.
They’re saying they want to collaborate while at the same time preventing their own citizens from accessing many western websites and services.
Maybe if this was a completely isolated situation it makes more sense but it seems hypocritical to say something like this while their government is actively bolstering the great firewall to prevent Chinese citizens from accessing stuff the rest of the world has access to
Historically? Hard to say
I had close to a thousand hours in Modern Warfare 3 and Black Ops II back in the day, but i was in middle school and gaming was the main way me and my friends hung out outside of school
If minecraft accounts tracked playtime id be at least 1k there over the years if not much more
On steam I have close to 600 in rocket league, havent played it in a while but thats the most played that i can verify
This was the first thing I thought of when I saw the title of the post. Mindustry is awesome, I got so addicted to it for a bit haha